Tribal Development of Air Program Capacity


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Presentation transcript:

Tribal Development of Air Program Capacity Tribal EPA 26th Annual Conference October 31, 2018 Lauren Maghran, Marisol Anaya, Willard Chin, US EPA Cindy Duriscoe, Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley We are here to talk about how GAP and Clean Air Act funding can be used to develop a Tribal air program. And joining us is Cindy Duriscoe from the Big Pine Paiute Tribe of Owens Valley to share on her experience in developing an air program through use of both GAP and CAA funding to do so. (Not sure if she should talk about the following just yet): -Funding from GAP can be used on capacity building activities related to Ambient Air, Indoor Air and Climate Change -Clean Air Act 103 Funding -Big Pine using GAP and Clean Air Funding

Clean Air act activities (Funding Announcement) Is air a priority for the tribe? Before applying for Clean Air Act funds, consider the tribe’s priorities and needs Funded activities: air quality studies, identification and investigation of air pollution sources, air quality monitoring studies, training, and community education and outreach. EPA can talk about this slide and then we can pass it over to Cindy and Sally. Cindy, can you share on the process you went through to determine if the Tribe needed to develop a Clean Air program?

Big Pine Paiute Tribal use of GAP First steps: Evaluate need for an air program Assess Tribal concerns about Reservation air quality Evaluate regional concerns and air pollution sources Determine (with support from Tribal community) that you will pursue a Tribal Air Program Cindy and Sally can continue to share.

PRELIMINARY Reasons Tribe desired air program Potential for harmful PM10 from Owens Lake (50 miles south of Reservation) Concern over residential burning, both outdoor and indoor (woodstoves) within Big Pine community Smoke from wildfires: Is it a concern? Cindy and Sally can continue to share.

Tribe USED GAP TO BUILD CAPACITY Become informed about and involved in regional issues. Give Tribe a voice in Owens Lake dust control, and attend meetings of Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District. Acquire equipment for pilot studies: Tribe acquired meteorological instruments and a tower, and prepared a QAPP for monitoring weather data. Env. Dept. staff received training. Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) has excellent courses, and they provide some funding/scholarships! Prepare an Emissions Inventory. GAP covered expenses for this work. What are potential sources of air pollution? For Big Pine: residential burning, traffic along Highway, potential for wind-borne particulate matter. Prepare a Needs Assessment. OK, you are too busy to do all this, so have GAP help by hiring an assistant or Environmental Technician so he or she can delve into Air topics. Big Pine ended up hiring a very motivated ET! Cindy and Sally can continue to share.

Tribe USED GAP TO BUILD CAPACITY Needs Assessment and all above activities pointed to a “gap” in air monitoring for the Big Pine section of Owens Valley. Cindy and Sally can continue to share. Tribe USED GAP TO BUILD CAPACITY

Looking out the back door on a dusty day VERSUS a clear day. Cindy and Sally can continue to share. Looking out the back door on a dusty day VERSUS a clear day.

Big Pine Cindy and Sally can continue to share.

Tribe USED GAP TO BUILD CAPACITY Needs Assessment and all above activities pointed to a “gap” in air monitoring for the Big Pine section of Owens Valley. Do Outreach! GAP helped Tribe reach out on air- related topics (and climate change) to educate K-8 students. We also wrote articles for Tribal newsletters. And, we applied for and acquired ITEP student interns for three consecutive summers. Acquire equipment for pilot studies. ET recommended a portable air pollution monitoring device, E-BAM, to assist with assessing particulate matter in Reservation air. Continue to be engaged in regional issues: Meet people, ask for assistance, etc.

Parking Lot Demo: Introduce E-BAM to Tribal leaders! Cindy and Sally can continue to share.

Tribe APPLIED FOR EPA TRIBAL AIR FUNDING First submitted proposal for FY 2014-15. Third time was the charm. Tribe awarded funding for FY 2016-17!

An Overview of EPA Air Grants There are different resources for air work with EPA: EPA General Assistance Program (GAP) Clean Air Act Grants Other resources: i.e. “Tools for Schools”, Radon Grants, Tribal DERA Grants, Healthy Homes Network

GAP Tribal Air Program CAA

Air Work Under GAP GAP can help answer the question if air funding is needed for the tribe Can support some defined tasks in the Air arena Supports environmental programs, but no implementation Can fund staff to develop Tribal ambient air, indoor air and climate change programs. Some air activities that are supported: emissions inventory, training to learn about air pollution, air outreach work, pilot projects, analysis of tribal priorities- is there a larger priority than air Review your EPA-Tribal Environmental Plan or ETEP before Air work under GAP is suggested before applying for a Clean Air Act grant The GAP guidance: Indian Environmental General Assistance Program, May 15, 2013 For Tribes with an approved EPA Tribal Environmental Plan or ETEP, the ETEP’s Tribal Environmental Plan should have identified air program work before the activities can be included in a GAP work plan. Tribes can work with your GAP project officer to revise its ETEP to include air work if necessary.

GAP Participate in regional initiatives Air Program needs assessment Training Investigate impacts Acquire existing air quality (neighbors) Community Outreach and Education The following is an example of the steps one can take to developing a Tribal air program using GAP funds: • Participate in regional initiatives - such as the Regional Tribal Operations Committee (RTOC), the Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP), the National Tribal Air Association (NTAA) or local coalitions. • Air program needs assessment - After basic air pollution training is completed, determine the extent of air pollution issues on the reservation and develop an assessment of the need for a longer-term tribal air program. • Training - May include, but is not limited to, workshops available through the Northern Arizona University’s Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP), the Tribal Air Monitoring Support (TAMS) Center, California Air Resources Board (CARB), EPA, and others. Networking between tribes, states, counties and educational facilities could be an additional component of this training. • Acquisition of existing air quality data from neighboring jurisdictions - Local air pollution control districts may have air quality monitoring data helpful to the tribe in assessing reservation air quality. • Investigate impacts of neighboring sources on tribal air quality - Acquire emission data from air quality permits and compliance data from permitting agencies for nearby sources impacting reservation air quality. • Community outreach/education - Provide information on air pollution issues to the local community, schools and tribal government through presentations, brochures, etc. • Develop an Emissions Inventory - Calculate emissions of air pollutants from sources within tribal jurisdiction (individual small and large sources, emissions from cars, etc.), in order to estimate impacts on reservation air quality and assess the need for air pollution control regulations. This is a summary of facilities or equipment that emit air emissions/pollutants on the reservation. A question to ask, what are the sources of pollutions on the reservation. Training on developing an emissions inventory is available at EPA. • Developing and adopt tribal codes and ordinances to regulate sources of air pollution - Upon the completion of the emissions inventory, the Tribe may develop specific regulations to address those sources of pollution (e.g., construction regulations to address PM-10 emissions, wood burning stove ordinances). • Develop a Draft Monitoring Plan – After a careful analysis and discussion with your GAP PO and Air staff, the Tribe may proceed to develop a plan for gathering baseline air quality data and a quality assurance plan • Submit a CAA 103 Proposal - If the tribe decides to pursue a long-term air program, work with EPA Region 9 to develop a CAA 103 air grant proposal.   Note: GAP funds cannot be used to fund air monitoring activities on a long term basis, as that would be considered “program implementation,” which is not the focus of GAP funding. Tribes that seek an ongoing air monitoring program, or other long term air quality work, are encouraged to pursue CAA §103 funding, or use other sources of funding to support implementation activities. For indoor air quality, the following activities are also fundable under GAP: -Training for GAP funded staff -Outreach to community members -Indoor air assessment -Indoor air quality laws/ordinance Develop an emissions inventory Develop Tribal codes and ordinances Draft Monitoring Plan CAA 103 proposal

Regional Clean Air Act Funds Approximately $3 million annually Fewer carry over funds from previous years Based on an annual funding selection process Budget is not increasing More demand than available funds = difficult decisions Regional Clean Air Act Funds

Can include work under GAP as well Ambient Air Monitoring Regulatory Program Development Air Quality Outreach, Participation, and Collaboration Indoor Air Quality Work Past Performance Environmental Results- include information about specifics of results (ie. How many people were educated? How many homes were assessed for Indoor Air Quality?) Funding Criteria for Air Grants: Current Air Quality Program Activities

Funding Factors for Clean Air Act Grants We assess proposals for Clean Air Act Grants based on a number of Funding Factors Air Quality Issues and Environmental Risk Non-attainment areas Title V sources Other sources of air pollution (within tribal land and outside) [Note: Applying for funding under the CAA§103 is a process and is not guaranteed to all tribes.] Funding Factors for Clean Air Act Grants

Highlights: Current Work with CAA Grants Education and Outreach Monitoring Indoor Air Quality Work Identification of air pollution sources Highlights: Current Work with CAA Grants

Clean Air Act Grants: Funding Timeline CAA 103/105 GAP DERA-National Competition Request for Proposals December (2018) October/November Mid- May (2019) Proposal Due Mid-February (2019) December July (2019) Announcement of funding selections Mid- June (2019) April/May Late October (2019) Application due July 2018 June/July November (2019) Selected Tribes receive funding October 1, 2019 Depends on tribe (October 1st) January (2020) Clean Air Act Grants: Funding Timeline

CAA Developing an ongoing air monitoring program Developing air regulations (e.g. TAS and TIP) Developing inspection and enforcement program. All activities mentioned above under GAP are also allowable under CAA.

How tribes can work together As resources to fund air activities become increasingly limited under both GAP and the CAA, it is vital that tribes work together to leverage resources and share information with each other. Some ideas include:  Exchange air quality data and emission inventories. Share the cost of training by consultants, when needed. Become trained to audit other tribes’ monitoring equipment and to review data for Quality Assurance purposes. Join or develop local coalitions of tribes for support and to discuss issues. Share portable monitors, where feasible. How tribes can work together

Other EPA/Funding Resources Tribal DERA National competition, but not guaranteed to be every year Funding supports programs that reduce diesel emission retrofits Radon grants, Healthy Homes grants Tools for Schools supports indoor air quality assessments and work No direct funding, but there are kits available for school flag programs, information about IAQ at schools etc. Investigate state funding, such as CARB Community Projects grant (Calif. AB617) Tribal IAQ working group, contact Priyanka Pathak TAMS ITEP Climate Change??? Other EPA/Funding Resources

Resources for Information Do you have questions? Please ask us! GAP Project Officers: Contact your GAP Project Officer Jeremy Bauer, Tribal Section Air Liaisons, Willard Chin, Tribal Climate Change Liaison, Contact Information: Lauren Maghran, Tribal Air Coordinator