Middle School Spanish
2B Sigue las direcciones Youll need a textbook, handouts, pen or pencil – These tasks will be graded
Presentational Writing Today is the first day of school. Create a conversation for each scene. INDIVIDUAL WORK
Los meses del año y los estaciones diciembreenerofebreromarzoabrilmayo DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay juniojulioagostoseptiembreoctubrenoviembre JuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember el inviernola primavera el veranoel otoño COPY THESE NOTES INTO YOUR NOTEBOOK
Los meses del año y los estaciones Interview 5 students and ask them Complete Text Pg. 21 #27 – Aloud or written in your notebook Check Señorita Calloways wiki for instructional links – Google search Christy Callowy and CMS – Go to JMA website and click Faculty & Staff 7 th Grade Spanish ¿Qué fecha es hoy? Whats todays date? Es el (day) de (month) Its the (day) of (month) ¿Qué dia es hoy? What day is today? Hoy es (day).Today is (day).
Presentational Speaking Work in pairs to create a humorous scene between two students. One is trying to study, and the other keeps interrupting to ask the following questions: what is the date, how do you spell a certain word, and what the other students phone number is. Finally, the second student says he or she must leave and they say good-bye. Use Textbook Pgs. – 19 – Asking a phone number – 21 – Asking the date/day – 23 – Spelling names