From ‘Lisbon’ to Europe 2020: a new design of the reporting cycle and how to link it to the ESF ESF Evaluation Partnership Working Group on the ESF contribution.


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Presentation transcript:

From ‘Lisbon’ to Europe 2020: a new design of the reporting cycle and how to link it to the ESF ESF Evaluation Partnership Working Group on the ESF contribution to the EES Brussels, 18 November 2010

From ‘Lisbon’ to Europe 2020 Europe 2020: its content Requiring new governance structures Linking the ESF with Europe 2020

Europe 2020 pursues 3 priorities Smart growth: developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation Sustainable growth: promoting a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy Inclusive growth: fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion

Europe 2020: 5 headline targets 75 % of the population aged 20-64 should be employed The share of early school leavers should be under 10% and at least 40% of the 30-34 years old should have a tertiary degree 20 million less people should be at risk of poverty and exclusion 3% of the EU's GDP should be invested in R&D "20/20/20" climate/energy targets should be met

7 flagship initiatives identified on the European level An agenda for new skills and jobs European platform against poverty Youth on the move Innovation Union A digital agenda for Europe Resource efficient Europe An industrial policy for globalisation era

4 out of 10 priorities deal with social issues increasing labour market participation and reducing structural unemployment; developing a skilled workforce responding to labour market needs, promoting job quality and lifelong learning; improving the performance of education and training systems at all levels and increasing participation in tertiary education; promoting social inclusion and combating poverty

Changes as compared to Lisbon New target values EU and national targets New poverty/exclusion target Integrated approach Alignment with SGP Enhanced link with structural funds EU level flagship initiatives

The new governance

Requirements of Europe 2020 More integrated approach to governance – macro, thematic and fiscal strands structural reforms assessed in the light of macro developments and fiscal stance possible conditionality of structural funds support Better country specific monitoring progress towards national targets to avoid danger to the EU (Eurozone) macroeconomic stability Strengthened strategic guidance from the EU Stronger steering from the European Council

Fiscal surveillance Macro - economic Thematic coordination Europe 2020 Integrated Guidelines EUROPE 2020 FIVE HEADLINE TARGETS Stability and Growth Pact National Reform Programmes Convergence Commission ’ s Annual Survey EU annual policy guidance and recommendations flagship initiatives and levers level

Annual Growth Survey The main input for discussions at the Spring meeting of the European Council Review of Macro-economic and fiscal developments Progress towards EU targets Progress on flagship initiatives and in removing bottlenecks in the single market Forward-looking part The main challenges for fiscal and macro-economic policies Priorities for action in the area of structural reforms draft Joint Employment Report will constitute a part of the survey addressing employment policies

National Reform Programmes I Macroeconomic scenario A cross-reference to the elements in the SCP Macro-economic surveillance: policies in accordance with the IG 1 to 3 to address internal/external imbalances, ensure macro-financial stability, and tackle competitiveness weaknesses

National Reform Programmes II Thematic coordination: trajectories for meeting national targets IG 4 to 10 description of key measures to achieve the national targets, including time-tables and budgetary impacts MS should set out how they intend to tackle bottlenecks MS should indicate how EU structural funds will be used in support of measures to achieve the targets Participation, communication and identification of good practice

Country Specific Recommendations a single set of country-specific recommendations and/or draft opinions attached to a single country report issued under separate legal instruments Council Opinions on fiscal policies; Recommendations on other elements of macro-economic surveillance will be issued under articles 121 of the Treaty and on the basis of secondary legislation currently being prepared as regards excessive imbalances; Recommendations on thematic issues will be issued under articles 121 and 148 of the Treaty

Annual Growth Survey (AGS) Adoption of NRPs and SCPs European Semester Annual Growth Survey (AGS) January EC Debate & Orientations February EP, CoEU Spring EU Summit Council March Adoption of NRPs and SCPs MS April

Country Specific Recom. (CSR) European Semester Country Specific Recom. (CSR) June EC Adoption of CSR June CoEU Endorsement of CSR July Council The autumn will be the time to prepare the national budgets etc. but also for peer reviews.

Link between EES and ESF

ESF fully aligned with Europe 2020 NRPs and CSR become key documents when developing the OPs What does that mean in practice? Timing of AIR’s? Alignment of indicators? Role of intermediate documents such as DIC? Concentration of expenditure? Cooperation between ministries/departments?