介紹 國際社會福利協會 東北亞區高齡社會科技應用與社會創新研討會 (ICSW NEA Conference: Technology Application and Social Innovation in Aging Society) Hindy Kai 解蔚姮 Officer, International.


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Presentation transcript:

介紹 國際社會福利協會 東北亞區高齡社會科技應用與社會創新研討會 (ICSW NEA Conference: Technology Application and Social Innovation in Aging Society) Hindy Kai 解蔚姮 Officer, International and Mainland China Affairs 國際及內地事務主任 The Hong Kong Council of Social Service 香港社會服務聯會

About ICSW: International Council on Social Welfare a global non-governmental organization focused on advocacy, knowledge- building and technical assistance projects seek to advance social welfare, social development and social justice nine regional secretariats North East Asia (NEA) Region Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Taiwan

ICSW NEA Regional Conference a biennial conference of ICSW NEA Region To promote partnership and cooperation from policy formation to services delivery To provide a platform to share and exchange new knowledge and skills and innovative ideas on technology application within the region

ICSW NEA Regional Conference a biennial conference of ICSW NEA Region To promote partnership and cooperation from policy formation to services delivery To provide a platform to share and exchange new knowledge and skills and innovative ideas on technology application within the region

Aging Society United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs/Population Division World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision, Key Findings and Advance Tables

Aging Society In ICSW NEA Region Aging issue in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and Taiwan No aging issue in Mongolia lower life expectancy higher fertility: over 3 (slightly over 1 in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and Taiwan)

Technology Application and Social Innovation in Korea 2005: enacted the Senior-Friendly Industry Promotion Act and Saeromaji Plan on a five-year basis to boost this industry However, this was not welcomed by the market the market often unable to detect aging problems or create values by themselves elders find the products and services not safe, not convenient, not interactive enough, or difficult to use the elders need to endure the burden of expenses if they are not recipients of the long-term care insurance for the aged providers of the welfare services and facilities within the ICT system were not willing to invest in additional workers, time, or in reducing purchasing costs.

Technology Application and Social Innovation in Korea fourth industrial revolution: create new opportunities to address problems using AI, Internet of Things (IoT), and robot technology, products and services for the elderly innovation in productivity makes cheaper and more customized services possible. highly likely to transform the life and environment for the elderly and create new values and markets

Technology Application and Social Innovation Hong Kong: Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES) Japan: Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (HCR) Korea: Senior & People with Disabilities Expo (SENDEX) Taiwan: 臺灣輔具暨長期照護大展 (Assistive Technology for Life: ATLife)
