Science & Technology: General Stream Miss Mullin
WELCOME!! My E-mail: My webpage: My desk: Is in the SENIOR STAFFROOM Material you will need: 2 inch binder 1 copy book or loose leaf for notes 3 dividers labeled for each term Pencils, pens, eraser, scissors and ruler Coloring pencils Calculator Loose leaf 5-10 plastic page protectors
Class Rules Be on time Bell rings- sit down and be ready Come prepared with all your supplies No food, drink, gum or candy during class- this is a lab If you think you will get thirsty, bring a water bottle If you think you will be cold, bring a sweater Warning: My hall pass gets dusty from not being used
Class Routine Bell rings Check the board: if there are instructions written, get to work Notes/Lab/Activity Worksheet (finish for homework if necessary) Assign Homework
Topics Covered: Biology Digestive System Cell Theory Nutrition Respiratory System Circulatory System Excretory System Nervous System Skeletal System Muscular System The Senses Reproductive System Cell Division and Genetics
Assessment Competency Description Weighting 1. Seeks answers or solutions to scientific or technological problems The student will be able to develop various methods of collecting data for analysis. 40% 2. Makes the most of his/her knowledge of science and technology Proposes explanations and applies knowledge. 60% Each term will be based on the following: Class work, Homework, Labs, Assignments (class and home), and Tests In addition, there are mid-year and June Exams
Ponderation Final mark comes from: 20% of Term 1, 20% of Term 2 and 60% of Term 3 In Sec 3 you CAN be exempted from the June exam IF you attain a mark of 80% or higher (more info on this later)
Recup My recup days are: Day 2 Day 6 Day 9 12:15 – 12:45