University of Missouri System News


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Presentation transcript:

University of Missouri System News Special meeting of the Board of Curators on May 21 “Highly Selective” was approved as Admission Selectivity Category for Missouri S&T Next meeting of the Board is in Columbia, on June 21 and 22 Agenda includes a roundtable with IFC A statement on “uniqueness” of each campus was requested by Curators Our response was sent on June 4 Questions to be discussed at roundtable How can we better define the roles and responsibilities of the system and campuses to foster a more collaborative culture? What structures and incentives could be put in place to better support and encourage system-wide collaboration? What features of your campus’s unique structure, culture or programmatic strengths do you value, and how might other campuses leverage these features to improve performance?

Intercampus Faculty Council Most recent meeting was on May 17. Curators Steelman, Graham, and Sundvold were in attendance. Current initiatives NTT proposal from ad hoc committee was endorsed by IFC. A motion was made (and passed) that posthumous honorary degrees be awarded across the UM System when appropriate. White paper on evaluating teaching has been completed and sent to IFC for review. Future initiatives proposed Review of grievance policy and resolution procedures Review of joint appointment policies Continued discussion of NTT policy

Ongoing Faculty Senate Initiatives Review of bylaws Development of procedure for creation and realignment of academic departments Investigation of solar house sale Budgetary Affairs committee reported in April Data on related research has been provided by VPR Crow Awaiting detailed information on gifts and expenditures from VC Plain

Faculty Senate Referrals Public Occasions: Potential addition of a fall break before Thanksgiving, review of commencement participation policies for graduate students. Student Affairs: Disability Support policies and practices. Budgetary affairs: Sale of solar house, report on distribution of raises given to administrators, faculty, and staff, balance sheet for the MSU programs, information about faculty retention packages

Responses to Questions from Senators 1. Composition of Search Committee for Permanent Chancellor Response from President Choi: Will be similar to that of UMKC Co-Chairs: UMKC Notable Alumni/Trustee UMKC Dean/Administrator/Faculty Leader Members (most of which will be nominated to serve): Professor (Tenured) Assistant/Associate Professor (Tenure-track) Professor (Non-Tenure track) Professor (Center Director) UMKC Staff Council UMKC Student Government Association UMKC Undergraduate Student UMKC Graduate Student Council UMKC Student Affairs Representative Administrator UMKC Dean UMKC Retiree Association Alumni/Alumni Association UMKC Trustee UMKC Foundation Member Campus or System Diversity Officer

Responses to Questions from Senators 2. Requirement that final recommendation of search committees be in the form of an unranked list Response from President Choi: No such blanket requirement I am awaiting clarification from UM System HR

Responses to Questions from Senators 3. Effect on enrollment of changing our admission selectivity category Response from Tim Albers, Dean of Enrollment Management Definition of “Highly Selective” admission selectivity category Highly selective institutions admit first-time, full time degree-seeking students and transfer students who have: • Completed 23 or fewer credit hours. • Attained a combined percentile score (from adding their high school percentile rank and the percentile rank attained on the ACT or SAT) that is greater than or equal to 140 points. Students who achieve a score of 27 or better on the ACT or an equivalent score on the SAT (1260+ new SAT, ) are automatically admitted to highly selective institutions. No more than ten percent of the first-time, full time degree-seeking freshman class will have a combined percentile score of 139 or less.

National Distributions of Cumulative Percents for ACT Test Scores ACT-Tested High School Graduates from 2014, 2015 and 2016 Score ENGLISH MATHEMATICS READING SCIENCE COMPOSITE STEM 36 100 35 99 34 98 33 96 32 95 97 94 31 93 91 30 89 29 86 92 28 87 83 27 85 88 81 26 82 84 77 25 79 78 74 80 24 71 76 23 69 68 66 70 22 64 62 60 63 21 58 55 56 57 20 52 54 48 49 50 19 46 42 41 44 18 45 37 17 38 16 15 14 7 13 9 3 11 8 4 12 1 6 2 10 5 Mean 20.3 20.8 21.3 20.9 21.0 S.D. 6.7 5.4 6.4 5.5 5.2 Note: These national norms are the source of U.S. Ranks, for multiple-choice tests, displayed on ACT reports during the 2016-2017 testing year. These norms with a sample size of 5,860,565, are based on 2014, 2015 and 2016 graduates.