Spare Parts - PRONTO Invoicing for P-Jobs (Prosquid / Pronto) Work Instruction: WI529-016
PART# 1 - PROSQUID Open Prosquid – Client Invoice Requests ( Select List and Quick Edit Set Filter of “Request Date” and select most recent date
Complete required fields as per client order / project details
PART# 2 - PRONTO Open Pronto (Sales Orders – Full Order Entry)
Add customer code (e.g.BMAB03) and hit enter 2 x until you get to project Enter project number (e.g. P2387) Tab to category and enter 000 – hit enter
Add customer code (e.g.BMAB03) and hit enter 2 x until you get to project Enter project number (e.g. P2387) Tab to category and enter 000 – hit enter and ok
Enter in Prosquid the sales order number, invoice date and expected payment date In Pronto: Hit “L” for Lines Highlight lines in Prosquid from “S until “ Unit Price” and Copy Line (CTRL + C) Paste in Pronto (has to be via mouse click) and press enter 4 x until you get to a new line
Copy first note in Prosquid and paste the same way in Pronto and hit enter to get to a new line Repeat until all notes are copied into Pronto When all lines are copied – hit ESC Note: If the copy option doesn’t work you can also enter it manually as you would raise a new order.
Check if all details are correct and hit “Q” for quit Enter the customer ref. (e.g. 4503914560) and hit OK Hit enter and select “ finish the order”
Open Sales Orders – Order Edit – Sales Order Edit and enter the Sales Order NO. (e.g. 9879) Hit enter 2 x Check all details (also “L” for lines) – Status should be rdy to print invoice If everything is ok, select status “U” and press ok Print Now: Y and hit enter 2 x
Status in now “ready to update” Hit F5 and “C” for correct Tab to Printer and hit F2
Select printer and hit enter: Vsfe-inv to sent directly to the client (Rio Tinto, Citic Pacific, NCIG etc.) Vsfe-inv-m to enter email address (e.g. BHP, BMA) Vsfe-euin for invoices in EUR to send directly to the client Vsfe-euin-m for invoices in EUR to enter email address
Tab until printer and hit enter Tab to Printer and hit F2 If select vsfe-inv tab until you are on final page. If select vsfe-inv-m enter email address and hit enter until final page Final page – hit No for remove the report Finished – ESC
Invoice copy will be sent via email – save copy in correct fiel or upload to Quadrem in case for BHP.