ME 280 Lab Final Project Begins November 4th for sections 3, 4 and 5, and November 8th for sections 1 and 2 Due December 2nd for sections 3, 4 and 5 and December 1st for sections 1 and 2.
100 points total 15 points Return project assembled and functioning 15 points Freehand sketches of all components 30 points Project presentation 40 points Assembly modeling
Group Grading: Each member will grade the other members contribution to the project. You can lower a grade as much as 25 points but you cannot raise it.
Each student will model their own components and save them in their team folder with your username on each file you create Each group will have about 8 minutes to present their project This is a formal presentation. Treat it as such DO NOT wait for a group member DO NOT create sub folders DO NOT use sub-assemblies
You must turn in a complete, functioning assembly to receive the 15 points Assembly constraints will be tested during the presentation Each group will present at least one exploded view, with trace lines, of their project