Occupations with Fastest Job Growth in Riverside/San Bernardino/Ontario MSA* 2006 to 2016 Top 10 by % Chg. Hourly Wage Occupation Currently Employed* Projected Chg. Proj. % Chg. Mean Median 75th %tile Network Sys. & Data Comm. Analysis 920 1,420 500 54% $31 $38 Computer Software Engineers, Apps 2,100 3,110 1,010 48% $39 $46 Skin Care Specialists 330 490 160 $15 $18 Funeral Service Workers 170 250 80 47% n/a Hydrologists 130 190 60 46% $40 $47 Mathematical Scientists, All other 110 50 45% $29 $30 $33 Pharmacy Technicians 2,380 3,350 970 41% $13 $16 $19 Special Edu. Teachers, Elem. School 1450 1,980 530 37% $62K* $62k* $75k* Instruction Coordinators 950 1,300 350 $35 $41 Industrial Engineers 810 1,110 300 $34 *Annual Source: California EDD – Employment Development Department-www.labormarketinfro.edd.ca.gov, MSA = Metropolitan Statistical Area - MSJC R & P Dept. 12.8.9 XCHASX