Rooms: Teaching and Learning Group - STAFF ROOM Behaviour for Learning Group – LIBRARY Literacy Group - E4 Character Education Group - H5
Aims of Group / programme for the year Teaching and Learning Group 2017-18 Aims of Group / programme for the year
“Developing *formative assessment approaches” *techniques to check understanding…
Autumn Term Embedding authentic formative assessment into lessons (RESPONSIVE TEACHING). “High impact, low effort” Daily recaps - (applying what they have learnt. Recaps on previous units). No data to be collected. Instant feedback. Weekly quizzes – mastery tests. Scores used to target students struggling. Knowledge exams (summative and cumulative)
What *formative assessment strategies do I use? *techniques to check understanding…
Which are the THREE most important ones?
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT IDEAS (Wil) Breaking down end of unit tests and assessing skills needs one by one (atomising) Recording year 11 marks question by question (not whole sections / papers) Group feedback Wonderwall / Grade 9 wall White boards (so quick and easy and ALL involved) Exit cards Misconceptions Links via hexagons Knowledge home works, followed by knowledge quizzes
On the list to try: Entrance tickets Question analysis- via google docs Text rendering- summarise a source in one sentence, then phrase, then word. Collect words- do you have the text’s meaning Planned socrative questioning- as a department. Do we get the same responses Moderate & discuss misconceptions
Post meeting challenge For our next meeting (Monday 13th November) Use one strategy you use in your subject but look to make it better OR…… Try a new one to improve students progress Be prepared to share…