Aerobic Cellular Respiration Section 7.3 Aerobic Cellular Respiration
Goals of today’s lesson By the end of today’s lesson you should be able to: Know the structure of the mitochondria, and where certain events take place Know the steps of Pyruvate oxidation. Know the steps of the Krebs Cycle Understand how this cycle contributes to ATP production Know how the ETC and chemiosmosis contribute to ATP production.
Mitochondria Organelle that drives the process of cellular respiration. The mitochondria are made up of: Mitochondrial matrix Double membrane Inner membrane Outer membrane Intermembrane space
Mitochondrion The outer membrane serves the same purpose as any other membrane. The inner membrane is highly folded that allows many functions of CR to happen.
Mitochondria The mitochondrial matrix is the protein filled fluid that fills the innermost space of the mitochondria. The intermembrane space is the area between the inner and outer membrane
Stage 2: Pyruvate Oxidation The stage begins with the 2 pyruvate from glycolysis flowing through the membranes into the matrix of the mitochondria
Stage 2: Pyruvate Oxidation 1. A CO2 is removed from the pyruvate and released as a waste product (breath out) 2. The remaining two molecules are oxidized by NAD+. Each NAD+ gains 2 H+ ions and 2 e- This makes the pyruvate now acetic acid (vinegar) and has moved high energy H+ ions to NAD+
Stage 2: Pyruvate Oxidation 3. A compound called Coenzyme A (CoA) attaches to the acetic acid group. This forms a new compound called acetyl CoA. The acetyl CoA then moves to the Krebs cycle (stage 3)
Stage 2: Pyruvate Oxidation Products: Two Acetyl CoA Two CO2 Two NADH Yield 6 ATP
Stage 3: The Krebs Cycle AKA Citric Acid Cycle: A cyclic series of reactions that transfers energy from organic molecules to ATP, NADH, and FADH2 while removing CO2 This cycle is an 8 – step process that involves enzymes at each step.
Stage 3: The Krebs Cycle Keep in mind that there were 2 pyruvate molecules brought into pyruvate oxidation so everything that happens in Krebs happens twice. This takes place in the mitochondrial matrix
Stage 3: The Krebs Cycle As Acetyl CoA enters the cycle the CoA is released and can be used for the next pyruvate During one complete cycle a total of three NAD+s and one FAD are reduced to form NADHs and FADH2 During one complete cycle an ADP and a P are combined to form one ATP During one complete cycle two CO2 molecules are produced
Stage 3: Krebs Cycle Acetyl CoA (2 carbons) is brought into the cycle and combines with Oxaloacetatic acid (OAA is a 4 carbon molecule) to make citric acid (6 carbon). Citric Acid reacts with NAD+ to make NADH with the help of an enzyme and 1 CO2 is removed (5 carbons) This makes ketoglutaric acid (KGA 5 carbons) KGA reacts again with NAD+ to make NADH with the help of an enzyme and 1 CO2 is removed (4 carbons), this then reacts quickly with ADP + Pi to make ATP The reaction with ADP to make ATP creates succinic acid (SCA 4 carbons) SCA reacts with FAD to make FADH2 this make furmic acid (FA 4 carbons) FA reacts with NAD+ to make NADH and this makes OAA and the cycle starts over.
Stage 3: Krebs Cycle Products One CO2 (2 total) One ATP (2 total) One FADH2 (2 total) Three NADH (6 total)
Stage 4: Electron Transport Chain Occurs on the inner membrane of the mitochondria
NADH changes to NAD+ and releases 2 high energy e- into the ETC. The e- makes its way from the matrix through the inner membrane to the intermembrane space then back to the matrix. Each step in the ETC releases energy and this energy is used to force H+ ions out into the intermembrane space. One of the steps also creates water from the H+ ions and the O2 present in the mitochondria
4. The charge on the H+ ions builds up and they flow back into the matrix through the ATP synthase complexes producing 3 ATP 5. FADH2 goes through the exact same process but in different locations on the mitochondria.
Stage 4: ETC and Chemiosmosis NADH changes to NAD+ and releases 2 high energy e- into the ETC. The e- makes its way from the matrix through the inner membrane to the intermembrane space then back to the matrix. Each step in the ETC releases energy and this energy is used to force H+ ions out into the intermembrane space. One of the steps also creates water from the H+ ions and the O2 present in the mitochondria The charge on the H+ ions builds up and they flow back into the matrix through the ATP synthase complexes producing 3 ATP FADH2 goes through the exact same process but in different locations on the mitochondria.
Stage 4: ETC and Chemiosmosis FADH2 is not as efficient as making ATP as NADH. Instead of 3 ATP being produced by the FADH2 only 2 ATP are produced. Because these are oxidation reactions these are referred to as oxidative ATP synthesis.
Stage 4: ETC and Chemiosmosis Products: H2O 3 NADH’s 3 ATP Total of 18 ATP FADH2 2 ATP Total of 4 ATP
Energy Produced in CR Glycolysis yields two ATP The two NADH from Glycolysis are converted to FADH2 which yield 4 ATP The two NADH from pyruvate oxidation yield 6 ATP Kreb Cycle yields 2 ATP 1 ATP per cycle (2 pyruvate) The 6 NADH from Kreb yield 18 ATP The 2 FADH2 from the Kreb cycle yield 4 ATP For a grand total of 36 ATP from one glucose molecule.
Energy Produced in CR Remember we said that Glucose had the chemical potential energy of 100 however in the most ideal conditions only 36 ATP are produced. Often 30 ATP
Overall Equation Glucose+ 6O2+ 36 ADP+P 6CO2+6H2O+ 36ATP
Assignment Complete Section 7.3 Questions on page 220: 1 - 10 Create your own steps for CR to help you memorize.