An exact point on the surface of the earth usually found using latitude & longitude a) Relative Location b) A Map c) Absolute location d) A Compass Rose
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describe where something is Using another place to describe where something is a) Relative Location b) Absolute Location c) Place d) Region
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East-west circles around the Globe that measure points North or south of the equator a) Longitude b) Latitude c) Meridians d) Non Parallels
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North-south lines around the Globe that measure points East or west of the Prime Meridian a) Parallels b) Longitude c) Latitude d) Equator
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The theme of geography that answers the question “What is it like to live there” a) Location b) Region c) Movement d) Place
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c) Human Environment Interaction The theme of geography that Answers the question “What Is the relationship between Humans & their environment a) Movement b) Location c) Human Environment Interaction d) Place
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The theme of geography that answers the question how & Why are areas similar or Different to one another a) HEI b) Region c) Movement d) Place
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This theme of geography Answers the question how & Why are areas connected to Each other a) Movement b) HEI c) Place d) Location
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The theme of geography that Answers the question “Where Is it”. a) HEI b) Place c) Location d) Movement
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The zero line of latitude is called the a) Parallel b) Prime Meridian c) Meridian d) Equator
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The zero line of longitude is Known as the a) Equator b) Prime Meridian c) Meridian d) Parallel
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The theme of geography that answers the question “ How do goods, ideas, & people get from one place to another a) Movement b) Region c) Location d) Place
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Another name for a lines of Longitude are a) Perpendiculars b) Parallels c) Units d) Meridians
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Another name for lines of latitude are a) Perpendiculars b) Meridians c) Parallels d) Degrees
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a) Organize information Geographers use the 5 themes of geography to a) Organize information b) Plan vacations c) Learn about Space d) Study Statistics
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a) Study of the solar system Which of the following is the correct definition of geography a) Study of the solar system b) Study of the earth c) Study of Physics d) Study of plants
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What two characteristics are used to help describe a place a) Physical & Relative b) Human & Animal c) Similar & Different d) Human & Physical
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Answers which question The theme of movement Answers which question a) What is it like to live there b) Where is it c) Why is it there d) How goods ,ideas, & people move
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The theme of place answers Which question a) How goods, ideas, & people move b) What is it like to live there c) Where is it d) How people change the environment
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The theme of Location answers Which question a) Where is it b) Why is it there c) How humans adapt to their environment d) What is it like to live there
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The theme of region answers Which question a) Where is it b) How do goods, ideas, & people move c) Why is it there d) How are places similar or different
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Environment Interaction Answers which question The theme of Human Environment Interaction Answers which question What is the relationship between human and physical characteristics b) How and when was the earth And solar system created c) What is the relationship between humans and their environment d) How and why are places Connected to each other
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What two questions guide Geographers in their work a) Where is it and why is it there b) Where is it and how was it made c) Why is it there and how was it made d) Who made it and why did they make it
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d) Physical Characteristics Areas that share common Characteristics are called a) Places b) Regions c) Locations d) Physical Characteristics
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Geographers are scientists Who study the earth and a) planets b) comets c) history d) People
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