Welcome to 7th Grade Mathematics! Many tasks in high school will demand flexible application of content knowledge first gained in Grades 6-8 to solve complex numbers. Indeed, some of the highest priority content for college and career readiness comes from Grades 6-8. This body of material includes powerfully useful proficiencies such as applying ratio reasoning in real-world and mathematical problems, computing fluently with positive and negative fractions and decimals, and solving real-world mathematical problems involving angle measure, surface, and volume. Because important standards for college and career readiness are distributed across grades and courses, systems for evaluating college and career readiness should reach as far back in the standards as Grades 6-8.
My name is Mrs. Samonte and I am looking forward to working with you this school year. Contact Information: (202) 809-6400
Textbook/Course Resources BIG IDEAS MATH Modeling Real Life by Ron Larson and Laurie Boswell
Classroom Procedures: Attendance is checked everyday Classroom Procedures: Attendance is checked everyday. There will be homework given daily except Friday. Homework is to be completed and handed in on time. Homework after due date will be marked late and 10% will be deducted from the final assignment grade. Make-up work will be only available for excused absences. The Student must show proof of excused absence to be given make-up activity.
Arrival at school Students need to be in class by 8:35 am or they will be tardy.
GRADING: Classwork - 40 % Homework - 10 % Assessment - 50 %
Classroom Expectations: 1. Come to class on time everyday. 2 Classroom Expectations: 1. Come to class on time everyday. 2. Be prepared for class. 3. Bring all necessary materials to class. 4. Keep all electronics/cellphones away. 5. Show respect for school properly and other students. 6. Do all your homework and hand in on time. 7. Stay seated during classroom discussion and activities. 8. Work quietly and follow directions. 9. Use an inside voice. 10. Be active participant in class discussions, participate in all class learning activities.
Students’ Guide Mathematical Practices Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
THANK YOU AND LET US HAVE A GREAT YEAR AHEAD!!! The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.