Adminstrative officer Leader Personnel officer READING PLAN Adminstrative officer Resources officer NATIONAL/COMMUNITY/10.1
Adminstrative officer Job sharing. Co-ordination with Head of Welsh. Identify pupils. Keep a register of pupils and buddies. Leader Personnel officer READING PLAN Adminstrative officer Resources officer Keep a record of pupils' targets. Keep a record of books read. Keep a record of pupils' reading progress. Organise rooms. Organise books for the pupils in advance. Consider health and safety factors. NATIONAL/COMMUNITY/10.1
TEAMWORK SKILLS ACTIVITY ● On the following page is a chart showing the characteristics that could make a good leader. They can be used in different ways. Activity 1 Cut the table and distribute the cards to the students. In silence, the students need to arrange themselves alphabetically. At the end of the task the teacher can assess with the students how the task was done - what were the challenges, did someone lead etc. - It can be useful to do the task more than once – seeing whether teamwork and leadership skills have improved. NATIONAL/COMMUNITY/10.1
- Cut the cards and allow the students to work in groups. Activity 2 - Cut the cards and allow the students to work in groups. - The students can 'rank' the skills in order of importance - Discuss how useful the skills are. - Join the skills together - Choose the top 10 skills. Look at the reading plan handout with 4 roles. Choose the 2 most suitable cards for each role within the reading plan group. This should lead to a constructive discussion on strengths, weaknesses and skills. NATIONAL/COMMUNITY/10.1
This is a starting point for ideas. Aggressive Works well with others Decisive Vision ‘Bossy’ Can be relied on Threatening Sense of humour Confidence Responsible Brave Reliable Creative Realistic Loyal Productive Autocratic Ready Empathy Positive example Enthusiastic Patient Fair Passionate Powerful Organised Good communicator Open mind Height Motivator Honesty Senior Influential Lead by example Inspirational Intelligent NATIONAL/COMMUNITY/10.1
Adminstrative officer Role Skill 1 for the role. Skill 2 for the role. Leader Personnel officer Works well with others. Patient. Adminstrative officer Resources officer NATIONAL/COMMUNITY/10.1
Adminstrative officer Role Skill 1 for the role. Skill 2 for the role. Leader Personnel officer Adminstrative officer Resources officer NATIONAL/COMMUNITY/10.1