Libel By Michael Flax
Definition A ________________ or ______________________or __________________ that conveys an unjustly unfavorable impression. A type of defamation
Definition (cont) a statement or representation ___________ and ________________________________________ _____________________________ defamation of a person by _______________or ___________________ means
Libel the publication of ______________, ______________, ______________, or ______________ writings or pictures the act, tort, or crime of publishing such a libel
According to SPLC Any printed communication – ________________________________________ – which tends to expose one to _____________, ______, ___________ or _________ or _________________________________________ _____ in the community or _______________________.
Libel can cause permanent harm. Court Libel can cause permanent harm. __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _____________.
________________________ __________________ To Avoid Libel ________________________ __________________ Always try to find more than one source before publishing material that could be viewed as damaging.
Check Facts (cont) Responsible journalists seek ____ or more sources that are ___________________ of one another, credible and in a position to know and tell the truth.
To avoid Libel (cont) Remember that _____________ dictates that reporters contact the individual about whom they are writing.
Fairness (cont) By contacting the _________________________ __________________, reporters obtain both sides of a controversial issue and often avoid printing incomplete or incorrect information.
________________________________________________. Avoid Libel (cont) ________________________________________________.
Good Judgment Generally, editors rather than reporters worry about these kinds of questions, but an ethical reporter should consider the possible implications of printing or televising a particular story.
Public Persons Do the same rights apply to Public Officials and Public Figures as an Average Person?
_______________ ________________________ ________________________ _______________(desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another) in order to win libel actions.
Officials Government and policy- making roles. Those who have or appear to have substantial responsibility for or control over the conduct of governmental affairs.
Public Figures ________________________ ________________________ ______________.
Where is the line? The public-official rule protects the public interest in a free flow of information to the people concerning public officials and their servants.
Where is the line? (cont) ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________.
Where is the line? (cont) Officials and Public Figures usually enjoy _________________________ _________________________ ________________and hence have a more realistic opportunity to ______________________tha n private individuals normally enjoy.
Where is the line? (cont) Private individuals are therefore ________________________ ________________________ ______________, and the state in ________________________ _________________.
Work Cited[1] James Schaffer, Randall McCutheon, Kathryn Stofer. Journalism Matters. Thinking Like a Journalist. Lincolnwood, Ill. 2001. Pgs 24-25.