Coleman A. Young Elementary School “You can't look forward and backward at the same time.“ “We need to dream big dreams, propose grandiose means if we are to recapture the excitement, the vibrancy, and pride we once had." The Warrior Way
Welcome to Ms. Williams Science Class Grades 3, 4 and 5 Science Instructor: Mrs. C. Williams Taught with the Detroit Board of Education for 24 years Graduated from Central High School Obtained my bachelors degree from U of M Obtained my teaching certificate from Wayne State Obtained my masters degree from Oakland University Science is my favorite subject!
Here Are Some Things That I Enjoy!! What Are Your Favorite Activities?
What Will We Learn In Science This Year? Scientific Inquiry and Science Process Skills Earth Science Sun, Earth and Moon Position and Motion of the Solar System Earth Materials Seasons Physical Science Light and Sound Measuring Change in Motion Heat, Electricity Magnetism Life Science Living Things Animal Systems Traits Evolution Plants Ecosystems
In Science We Connect Science Technology Engineering and Math Lessons Life Science Earth Science STEM Engineering Weather and Climate Computer Technology Physical Science
We Must Follow Rules and Procedures In Order to Learn ! There Are Some Non-Negotiable Rules Uniform Policy Insubordinate Behavior No Food In the Science Room This Includes Gum ! Disrespect or Violence No Sleeping, Stay Alert
Positive Behavior Support = PBIS Be 3 1. Be Respectful 2. Be Responsible 3. Be Safe
General Classroom Procedures and Rules What Do I Do When ???? Classroom Rules and Procedures “Your belief determines your action and your action determines your results but you first have to believe.” Mark Victor Hansen Come to class on time. If late, you must have a pass Bring required supplies for science instruction daily. Sharpen your pencils when you enter the class on time. Be seated and remain in your assigned seat unless otherwise directed by Ms. C. Begin the do now after taking your seat. The lesson will always be posted. When I raise my hand, say “class class” or ring the bell, stop talking and look at me. Follow my directions the first time given. Talk only when permitted. Raise your hand to ask a question or to express an idea. Be respectful to the members of our science community. I Did It !!!!!!
Classroom Consequences and Rewards “It only takes one person to change your life, YOU.” –Ruth Casey Verbal warning, let me know if you are having a challenging day before things get out of control. Loss of bonus points and or penalty assignment Conference with student and a phone call home to the parent if behavior is not corrected. Removal from class, (i.e. conference with your parent, coach or counselor). Written referral and possible suspension Rewards Verbal praise Bonus points towards your grading score and/or tickets to trade for incentives Special privileges, (i.e. student of the month, field trip participation, a visit to the science store, a game session.)
Lab Procedures How Should I Act During An Investigation? Safety is the Key It is Important to Remember You must ask permission to use water at the sinks. We do not play, run or throw any thing in the science room. Follow directions the first time given. Remain in you seats unless permitted to leave by the teacher. No sudden movements during an investigation. Hands always below your shoulder. There is no eating in the science room. Speak without shouting or using an angry voice.
Lab Procedures How Should I Act During An Investigation?
Are You Making Significant Progress? Science Beyond The Classroom Evaluations: Your science grade will be determined by your performance on daily assignments, quizzes, tests, science projects and homework. Grading: Assignments, quizzes, and tests are assigned a maximum of 100 points. Homework is worth 10% of your grade and assigned daily. Students must maintain a ‘C’ average to pass the class. Absences: Absences are counted as unexcused unless the student returns with a written excuse signed by the parent. You have 3 days to make up missed assignments. The extended opportunities may include: Future City Robotics Saturday Family Field Trips/ School Field Trips The Urban Garden The Green Team
Homework Assignment: Homework Survival Kit Due: Create a Homework Survival Kit Ask your parents to help you schedule a time when you can do your homework daily. Choose a quiet place where you can complete your homework assignments without being disturbed. Check your planner to identify your homework assignments for each subject. Ask for help when needed, ( teacher, parent, homework website or an expert). Remember to turn in your assignments to your teacher. Homework List Homework Contract