LLMS Open House 2017 ELA- Mrs. Harper
Contact Information kharper@willisisd.org Twitter @LLMSLYNX Conference- 1st period (7:30-8:29 A.M.) Website- LLMS school page, our staff, Katherine Harper Remind 101 Text @2e699 to 81010 to receive text notifications
Reading First semester- The Tale of Despereaux Second semester- The Westing Game
About Me I was raised in New Waverly. Graduated from SHSU- Go Kats!! Teaching at LLMS for 3 years. Married with 3 boys of my own (10, 7, 4)
Teaching Partner Mrs. Wyatt is my teaching partner. She and I plan lessons together that are fun and exciting.
Syllabus Please take a syllabus for more detailed information about class procedures.