The Public Sector Equality Duty Paul Hossack
About the Commission We are Great Britain’s: National Equality Body National Human rights Institution We protect people’s rights to fairness, dignity and respect. We have powers to challenge discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and protect human rights.
About the Commission We have 5 key roles: Inform Influence Enforce Evaluate Be a catalyst for change
The Commission in Wales Wales team Wales Committee Wales Business Plan Wales team Wales Committee Wales Business Plan
Is Wales Fairer? Sets out the seven key equality and human rights challenges in Wales: Attainment gaps in education Fair recruitment, development and reward in employment Improving living conditions in cohesive communities Increase access to justice and encourage democratic participation Improve access to mental health services and support to people experiencing poor mental health Prevent abuse, neglect and ill-treatment in care and detention Eliminate violence, abuse and harassment in the community
Equality Act 2010E Consolidated and strengthened previous equality legislation Protects people from unfair treatment and discrimination Promotes a more fair and inclusive society
Equality Act 2010E Who is protected?
Equality Act 2010E The Equality Act sets outs nine protected characteristics: Age Gender reassignment Sex Race Disability Pregnancy and maternity Sexual orientation Religion or belief
PSED – General Duty Who does it apply to? What is the duty? Why? Due regard
PSED – General Duty Public bodies are required to have due regard to the need to: Eliminate unlawful discrimination harassment, victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the act Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
PSED – Specific Duties Who does it apply to? What are the duties? Why?
The PSED as a lever for change Challenge individual cases of discrimination Influence policy changes Hold to account
What existing support is available? The Equality Advisor Support Service The Commission Advisor Support line Identifying and Tackling Discrimination Course
Plans for the Future Launch of resources for the third sector Guidance Toolkit Monitoring Public Bodies
Any Questions?
Paul Hossack 02920447779