Week of November 20,2017 11/21- No Tutorials Email: ademel@elkhartisd.org Phone: 903-764-2979 Conference M -T - F- 2:30-3:15 W -Th -8:05-8:50 Week of November 20,2017 11/21- No Tutorials 11/21- Early Release 1 p.m. 11/22-11/24- Thanksgiving Break Language Arts and Reading- Thanksgiving themed ELA activities. Math- Thanksgiving math Science-Earth and Space Social Studies- Thanksgiving Health- Systems of the Body and Five Senses Since this is the week of Thanksgiving, I wanted to take a moment to share with all of my student’s parents what I am most thankful for in my life. I first and foremost am thankful for my family. I am thankful for our health and happiness. I am thankful for my husband, son, and our twin boys who will be arriving sometime towards the end of February or beginning of March. I am thankful for my faith, and that it allows me to have peace even with the challenges of life. I am thankful for my profession, and the chance to teach and influence your children on a daily basis. I am thankful for the ability to help mold our future citizens. I am very proud of all of my students, and all the hard work that they put into their education. I am thankful to live in a country that allows me to be free. I am thankful for all who sacrifice their holidays for my freedom. I hope that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy these precious moments with your family and friends. Students need 10 points between November 13th – December 15th with an 80% average for the 3nd 6 week prize. Second grade students must have 35 points and an 80% average for the Fall Party before December 15th. http://es.elkhartisd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=537244&type=u