Education 07 Explain briefly one way in which recent governments have tried to increase the number of people staying in education after the age of 16. (2 marks)
Ans marks for clear explanation of reform or link to increase, eg by reference to: EMAs; introduction of vocational courses these are NVQs, GNVS, BTECs; A level reforms such as making them modular or there being a wider choice of courses at A level which makes them more interesting
Ques (c) Identify and explain one advantage of the regular publication of examination and SATs (Standard Attainment Tests) results. (3 marks)
ANS marks for identification with clear explanation of advantage, eg by reference to allowing parental choice by their being a league table on results so people can see which is the best and worst school; by encouraging improvement as schools try to move up the league tables; by encouraging accountability this means parents at schools with poor STATS will tell the headteacher to improve things.
June 06 (b) Explain briefly one way that recent governments have tried to help schools to improve the level of their pupils. achievement. (2 marks) Yes I know this is similar to the previous slide but that shows you how important this question is!!!
Ans marks for identification with clear explanation of advantage, eg by reference to allowing parental choice by their being a league table on results so people can see which is the best and worst school; by encouraging improvement as schools try to move up the league tables; by encouraging accountability this means parents at schools with poor STATS will tell the headteacher to improve things. Plus all the things in the 1988 Education Act:- literacy hour and numeracy hour; SATS; National Curriculum
Ques (c) Identify and explain one reason why girls outperform boys in examinations. 3 marks
marks for identification with explanation explicitly linked to girls outperforming boys such as the job market, girls have equal opportunities in the work place and with their careers; girls’ attitudes as girls mature quicker and so are better organised; laddish subculture this is where boys are more likely to misbehave in lessons because they are stereotyped as disruptive or don’t do their homework and so are labelled as hopeless by teachers; National Curriculum (which is in the 1988 Education Act) where girls can now do same subjects as boys and so this gives them equal opportunities, 1988 Education Act with the introduction of coursework which girls are good at also the act brought in league tables so teachers work with girls more as they do the work and so schools move up the league tables
June 05 (b) Explain, briefly, what is meant by a selective school. (2 marks)
marks for clear explanation, most likely by reference to how some schools can select their choice of pupils by getting them to sit an exam like the 11+, interview, or even with a reference from another school. Twynham isn’t a non-selective school you don’t need to sit a test, can come here as long as you’re in the catchment area!
Ques (c) Identify and explain one way in which schools prepare pupils for employment in later life. (3 marks)
Ans marks for identification of appropriate way e.g. through development of (key) skills such as doing team-work in lessons; or through work experience when you were in Year 10; or through the Hidden Curriculum this is where you learn to wear a uniform, follow a timetable, do as you’re told by teachers, these are all things which you will come across in the workplace!!!!