Class 4.3 Newsletter Spring


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Presentation transcript:

Class 4.3 Newsletter Spring 2 2018 In Literacy we are looking at the book ‘Funnybones’. We also have World book day this half term where we will enjoy stories by David Walliams. In science this half term we are learning about chemical reactions. We will be looking at changes that take place when we mix certain substances together, In maths this half term we are working on our personal number targets and will be working on exploring shapes and fractions. In PE we are going to be working on our skills striking and fielding. In Geography we are going to be looking at tourism and holidays in different parts of the world. In ICT we are going to be looking at the different types of technology in the world. In PSE we are going to be talking about keeping safe. We are going to be exploring the work of Vincent Van Gogh in art and recreating some his famous pieces. In RE we are going to be exploring the meaning of Easter for Christians and attending the Easter service at church.