Bengal Volleyball 2018
Chromebook Log-In BHSVisitor Welcome1718
Contact Information Allison Irvin Blanca Saavedra Courtney Natonek April Ryan Technology/Social Media: @braswellvb1 - Twitter BraswellVolleyball - Facebook
Rank One Paperwork Forms are online, under “More” tab Completed by May 18 9th and 11th graders need a physical, plus anyone with any medical ‘situation’ that might require one again
Red dawn Register at 8:00am-9:30am all incoming 7th-12th grade female athletes $30.00 Last three weeks in June, Last three weeks in July Monday-Thursday BE THERE!
Volleyball Camp 9th graders Register at June 4-7th 1-4pm Monday-Thursday $100.00
Open Gym FREE BE THERE! During the summer - M/W 9:30-11:30am
Beach Bash May 5th at Little Elm Beach Park Teams of 4-6 males/females At least one girl on the court at all times Matches are best of 3, first 2 to 15, 3rd to 5 $25.00 a person, includes a tank top Our big Spring Fundraiser, need every 10-12th grade girl to have a team entered whether they are present or not/put a team together Turn in by April 12
Physicals We are providing physicals at Braswell High School May 16 6:00-8:00pm $10.00 NO excuse not to have one by May 18 We want ALL Physicals/Rank One paperwork completed by May 18th
UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS TEAM CAMP Camp: Braswell High School Dates: July 25th and 26th Times: 9-11:30am and 1-3pm Cost: $115.00 per camper Collection of registration by: April Ryan Camp Coaches: Andrew Palileo- UNT Head Volleyball Coach
Try-OUTs Begin August 1-Your summer is over July 31 All information will be posted on our website this summer. Plan to be at all practices, scrimmages, matches and tournaments. Be in shape athletically, and in the game of volleyball. 91 on the roster for next year
UA Web Portal httPS://braswellvb18. itemorder UA Web Portal httPS:// 2 weeks Discounted Prices Items the Athletes can Keep