6th meeting of TG DATA February 2018, Brussels


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Presentation transcript:

6th meeting of TG DATA 12-13 February 2018, Brussels Introduction and further development of the Recommendations for the publication of datasets under MSFD Article 19.3

Agenda_v2 Time Item Agenda item Presentation Monday 12 February 2018   1300 1 Opening of the meeting, adoption of the minutes of 5th meeting of TG DATA (9- 10 November 2017) and adoption of the agenda EEA & France 1310 2 Update on Common Implementation Strategy activities of relevance to TG DATA: Marine Directors meeting (4-5 December 2017) DG ENV 1320 3 Draft “Recommendations for the publication of datasets under MSFD Article 19.3” (DATA_6-2018-02): Feedback from countries on v1 and updates performed Key messages: Actions listed Revision of sections 2, 3 and 5 of the Recommendations EEA/DG ENV 1500 Coffee break 1530 Revision of the governance section (incl. legal aspects of implementing INSPIRE) 1730 End of the first day Tuesday 13 February 2018 0900 Hands-on: Possible representation types and how to decide which INSPIRE theme to use for our datasets: elements to be taken into account, criteria, pros & cons Use of Sea Regions: example on Marine Litter JRC 1030 Coffee 1100 (continuation): Example of nutrients: use of OF vs use of EF&OM Use of Grids: example on Species distribution MEDCIS Bilbomática 1230 Lunch break 1330 Use and extension of vocabularies in INSPIRE JRC & France 1400 Download services: which ones to be used 1430 Further development of the recommendations: Open discussion All 4 Update on WISE-Marine: phase II EEA/ETC 1600 5 AOB or questions 1630 6 Wrap-up, messages for DIKE WG and steps forward EEA/France/ENV 1700 Close of the meeting Agenda_v2

5th meeting of TG DATA: Outcomes and actions Action/Responsible Description Timing 1: EEA/FR/EC Draft 19.3 recommendations document to be reviewed in order to simplify, clarify and add additional information i.e. spatial grids, network services, use of vocabularies 30 January, 2018 2: TG DATA Feedback to 19.3 document, especially on Table 1 content 15 December, 2017 3: TG DATA Establish contact with national contact point on INSPIRE to clarify national process (publication of metadata, link to national INSPIRE discovery service) As soon as possible 4: EEA/FR/EC Check on compliance with INSPIRE obligations when MS rely on supranational organisations (i.e. RSC’s) and built into recommendations document 5: EEA/FR/EC Development of examples of ‘end-to-end’ datasets according to INSPIRE data models, including metadata and services, as well as harmonisation 6: EEA/FR/EC Send a request to EU MS representatives not present in TG DATA for them to share their current status in the publication of datasets according to 19(3) 30 November, 2017 7: TG DATA Check with their appropriate colleagues and report back if there is a demand for a technical workshop on INSPIRE related to MSFD (few feedback) (few feedback) (few feedback)

Development status and calendar First (draft) version presented at TG DATA meeting 2nd week of November First (draft) version open for comments from TG DATA members till the end of November Second (draft) version presented at 5th meeting of TG DATA (12-13 February) Second (draft) version open for comments from TG DATA members until 9 March Third (final) version made available on CIRCABC by the first week of April Third (final) version presented to MSCG for approval by the end of April

Revision of the Recommendations General: Simplification of text and figures (technical details have been brought to an Annexes) New Section at the beginning: Key messages and structure of these recommendations Re-organisation of the Sections The publication of non-spatial data has also to be addressed Section-related: Section 3 (scope): it refers to the publication of ALL datasets, but highlighting some examples Table 1: some corrections made according to feedback received Section 2 (Use of the data): different approach Section 4 (INSPIRE): it has been very reduced and simplified Section 5.2 (network services): clarified and better explained Section 6: preliminary evaluation on how INSPIRE compliant the datasets published by the organisations listed are Section 6: delegation of the data provision to supra-national organisations has been clarified

KEY MESSAGES Screen the national information to be submitted under Article 8 reporting and decide which data from the updated assessments will be made publicly available. Liaise with the INSPIRE National Contact Point to coordinate the preparation, possible transformation and publication of the MSFD datasets and related metadata. Create metadata of the corresponding the MSFD datasets following ISO standards and relevant INSPIRE Technical Guidelines, making sure that the metadata are made available through the INSPIRE National Discovery Service. Create INSPIRE download services providing access to the MSFD related datasets. Assess the INSPIRE data specifications that could be used for modelling each dataset. Note that the publication of the datasets could be delegated to third parties such as supra- national organisations, although it is recommended to clearly document such an arrangement, as well as communicate it formally to the services of the European Commission.

Expected use of data Citizens European institutions European Commission European Environment Agency National authorities

Scope - Which datasets have to be published INSPIRE themes that are covered by these datasets are the following: Sea Regions (SR), Oceanographical geographical Features (OF), Species Distribution (SD) and Habitats and Biotopes (HB). More than one INSPIRE theme is proposed for certain datasets: decision on which to use depends on the spatial object types In the case of publication of datasets in a gridded format, the use of EEA reference grids or any other compatible grid are preferred. Datasets underlying some of the criteria that cannot be defined at the spatial level, and therefore have not been included in Table 1: D2C1, criteria under D3, D9C1 or criteria under D1 (except D1C4). The spatial representation of others included in Table 1 is been noted as unlikely. The Recommendations don’t include any particular data modelling for non-spatial datasets

Scope – proposed list of MSFD priority datasets Criterion Datasets underlying the indicator assessments Criteria elements Possible spatial representation type INSPIRE theme** Publication by other organisations*** D5C1 Nutrients concentrations in water DIN, TN, DIP, TP Point OR Grid OF RSCs - ICES / EEA / EMODnet / CMEMS D5C2 Chlorophyll a concentration Chlorophyll a D5C5 Concentration of dissolved oxygen Dissolved oxygen D6C1 Spatial extent of loss of seabed   Grid or Polygon SR or OF D6C2 Spatial extent of physical disturbances to seabed OSPAR, HELCOM+, EU D6C3 Distribution of habitat adversely altered by physical disturbance Habitats assessed HB D8C1 Contaminants concentrations in water, sediment or biota Contaminants assessed RSCs - ICES / EEA / EMODnet D8C3 Spatial extent of pollution events Polygon OR Grid RSCs++ / EMODnet D10C1 Macro-litter in coastline, water column and seabed Corresponding litter categories Point OR Polyline RSCs+++ / EMODnet / ICES D10C2 Micro-litter in coastline, water column and seabed RSCs+++ / EMODnet/ ICES D11C1 Distribution of impulsive noise events per year RSCs+++ - ICES D11C2 Distribution of continuous low-frequency sound level RSCs+++ D1C1 By-catch distribution Species assessed SD RSCs (HELCOM) +++ D1C4 Species distribution RSCs++++ / EMODnet D1C6 Habitat distribution RSCs+++ / EMODnet D6C4 Distribution of habitat loss D6C5 Distribution of habitat adversely altered

Publication of datasets and metadata Generation: INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules Technical Guidelines INSPIRE geoportal: editor and validator Publication: through Discovery services Some examples provided in Annex II Network services (the focus is on ensuring that the metadata are discoverable through discovery services, and in particular through the Member State’s INSPIRE national node, as well as to implement download services for the datasets to be made available (in any case, the data should also be available through view services). Discovery services: the metadata created have to be made available through the INSPIRE national discovery services which content is then made available through the INSPIRE Geoportal (important to liaise with the INSPIRE national contacts!) Download services: Type of download services included Technical Guidance for the implementation of INSPIRE Download Services Some examples provided in Annex III

Interoperability Data specifications for the selected themes (Table 1) included in Annex IV Some modelling examples provided in Annex V: Marine litter using Sea Regions Species distribution using EEA grid Nutrients concentrations using EF, O&M and OF Sub-section on Vocabularies/thesauruses Sub-section on Grids