11th Consultative Group Meeting November 28, 2012, Copenhagen A World Free of Poverty Jaime G. Olazo, Manager, Knowledge for Change Program
Knowledge for Change Program (KCPII) December 2008 – April 2016 Four Windows Poverty Dynamics and Public Service Delivery Investment Climate & Trade and Integration Global Public Goods Economic Development and Structural Change 10 donors so far: Finland, UK, Australia, Sweden, Canada, China, Singapore, Denmark, Switzerland and Korea USD 21.2M signed pledges as of today which is an increase of USD 2.9M from last year Related themes of each window The first window addresses issues of poverty reduction and human development Business environment conducive to growth Global issues such as climate change and disease Fourth window mainly studies upgrading of industrial structure for developing countries to develop rapidly and policies to achieve such structural transformation Each of these windows have active ongoing projects as you will see from the next slide.
Total Project Funding Approved Total Project Funding Requested KCPII Project Awards (in USD, thousands) 118 Approved Projects (from KCPII inception) Window FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 Total Count Amount Poverty Dynamics and Public Service Delivery 9 960 6 2,272 11 1,832 623 5,688 Investment Climate & Trade and Integration 16 1,573 10 690 636 843 3,742 Global Public Goods 4 475 7 1,110 1,548 5 750 3,883 Economic Development and Structural Change 1,000 1,996 1,002 3,998 Total Project Funding Approved 29 3,008 30 5,072 38 6,012 21 3,218 17,312 Total Project Funding Requested 35 3,418 51 8,358 66 9,786 42 8,847 30,409 As can be seen from the numbers of proposals received in FY12, demand for KCP grant is high. Every proposal undergo rigid selection process which is three tiered. First, research managers review and only approved proposals advance to Director’s review. Once approved by the director, we send the proposal to two external reviewers for ex-ante review. The proposals need to stand one more test, that is IMC meeting. IMC meets once we receive all the reviews from external reviewers. IMC decides which proposal to approve for grant based on the comments and ratings of those external reviewers. The recent KCP evaluation also emphasized the role of this rigid selection process in maintaining the quality and successfully weeding out projects that are not policy-relevant. Although the rigid process is ensuring the quality of the KCP, the last round of IMC was a particularly tough one as the overall quality of 42 proposals were good and many merited grants had we had enough funds available for awarding. As of today, we have only 3.2 million dollars left, which is only good for another year. It is truly an urgent issue for us to mobilize funds to keep funding those high quality projects that support poverty reduction and sustainable development.
Donors can specify their interest in targeting for a particular window Donors can specify their interest in targeting for a particular window. However, this doesn’t mean that donors can earmark for specific projects, country, or hiring of staffs.
In FY12, 21 projects were approved with a total approved amount of USD 3,450,000. Let me give you few examples of the new projects, Under Window III, we awarded 300,000 for the project titled ‘Development of innovative tools and technologies for the global research community’ This project funds activities that will contribute to each element of Open Data, Open Knowledge, and Open Solution. It combines research activities with the development of tools and methods to empower further research. This project will develop a Computer Assisted Personal Interview System (CAPI) — a software to help collect data using tablet PCs (e.g., IPad). This will revolutionize the field of data collection by improving the quality of the data, significantly shortening the process of data cleaning and verification, and providing researchers with new survey instruments. We need your continuous support in funding such innovative research that brings real change in the development community and produce tools that can be widely utilized by researchers both in developing and developed countries.
Approximately 53% of the total contribution is disbursed Approximately 53% of the total contribution is disbursed. However, taking commitments into account, the percentage would be 89% (the total allocation amount as shown in the previous slide is 89% of the total contribution amount)
Majority of the KCP projects are global in its regional portfolio. For the region of Africa, many KCP projects support health issues such as HIV-AIDS treatment and prevention.
The KCP Dissemination Initiatives The objectives of the KCP dissemination initiative are to: Keep donors and other stakeholders informed of the current events in the KCP program. Keep KCP research papers open and accessible to the public. Disseminate the knowledge generated by the KCP to raise awareness of the project and promote the active application of research to practice , thereby the development partners are able to apply its research findings to policy discussions and have ultimate impact on the development policies. We’ve heard from all of you that we need to do a better job at disseminating our work. During the last two years, we have been doing just that. Our objectives are to Keep our donors informed of the current events, Open data and knowledge generated by the KCP to the donors and development partners By making them easily accessible through the tools we have created as following.
Dissemination Tools WEBSITE (www.worldbank.org/kcp) ‘KCP Perspectives’ Provides the easiest way to explore the outputs and progress of the KCP projects, current events, and all of the below. ‘KCP Perspectives’ Examines past work and assesses the impact of the KCP projects on development policies worldwide. e-NEWSLETTERS Provides a platform for the information exchange by introducing interesting KCP related news and recent KCP publications ANNUAL REPORT Highlights ongoing and completed KCP activities throughout the preceding year. It also summarizes the financial performance of the KCP. EVENTS, SEMINARS OR CONFERENCES, TRAINING SESSIONS Helps communicate technical features by disseminating the information sensitively, address critical issues proactively The KCP website is a go-to place for all the information related to KCP. The most useful feature in the revamped KCP website would be a database of KCP research papers, publications that can be sorted by sectors, themes, and regions. Allow me to show you the website and walk you through other features of the tools we have developed. KCP Perspectives, E-Newsletters, Annual Reports
Thank you for all your support