Pilot River Basin Water Framework Directive.


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Presentation transcript:

Pilot River Basin Water Framework Directive

PRBs are representative for the situation across Europe: PRB: Introduction. 15 Pilot River Basins (PRBs). 18 countries have volunteered to gain practical experiences in the implementation process on the basis of the GDs which were developed in the context of the CIS for the WFD. PRBs are representative for the situation across Europe: wide geographical distribution, several transboundary basins, variety of pressures and impacts, different level of data availability and starting points for the implementation, different selection of guidance documents to be tested.

Purpose of the 1st PRB Outcome Report related to Art. 5 Obligations. PRB: Purpose. Purpose of the 1st PRB Outcome Report related to Art. 5 Obligations. report aims to focus on and key issues to be felt of particular relevance by PRBs during the testing, to inform on whether the interlinkages among GDs are sufficiently developed, to inform on whether some issues might require special attention for the suitable implementation of the WFD.

Identification of pressures PRB: considered areas and addressed to. This phase of the testing has basically considered the following areas: Characterization of surface waters and groundwater (delineation, reference conditions and provisional objectives) Identification of pressures Impact of human activity on the status of surface waters and groundwater (assessment of likelihood failing environmental objectives achievement) Economic analysis of water uses The Report is addressed to: Water Directors - River basin authorities - Regional and local managers It summarizes experience, comments and recommendations that might be useful when planning and facing the implementation of the WFD.

PRB: Significant Findings and conclusions. In general, PRBs involved in the testing consider the experience of high value and benefits for many reasons: A suitable implementation of the Art.5 WFD can be done with existing data although further efforts on improving quality and quantity of data is needed, They have reported on future difficulties and highlight recommendations which might facilitate the work of other river basins, PRB are getting ownership of the implementation process and taking lead together with other river basins, PRB are willing to disseminate its results in order to spread out the knowledge acquired, GDs have been used satisfactorily and were generally seen as efficient and helpful tools. Short fact sheets on national approaches and joint seminars are best preferred instead of additional guidance documents.

Strengthen regional monitoring and the development of modelling tools, PRB: Significant Findings and conclusions. Utilizable methodology in the WFD, but demanding of data and resources, Strengthen regional monitoring and the development of modelling tools, Results show that wastewater loading must be reduced further if WBs to meet the quality objectives, Transboundary coordination has been problematic at first stages. Harmonized approaches is crucial, This co-operation may have developed and supported at early stage to as to prevent further development of differing methodologies, Active public involvement was not developed in most of the PRBs. Most of them consider the Article 5 characterization as purely technical. Benefits from public involvement need to be considered during phase 1b and 2 of the exercise.

PRB: Recommendations. Continuation of the process and dissemination of results are considered as crucial, first results stress the need to establish strong links with other CIS groups -WG 2A, WG 2C and WG 2D, Adequate human and financial resources needs to be allocated to develop relevant cause effect relationships, governing pressures, impacts and responses, the involvement of other river basins (e.g. Danube, Rhine, Meuse, Oder, etc;) in the future PRB activities deserves consideration. Stakeholders involvement should be tackled during the real implementation of Art.5. Public participation has to be a component for the continuation of the PRB exercise.

PRB raised their interest in the continuation. PRB: Recommendations. Risk analysis is based on provisional objectives for the WBs. Objectives/analysis ought to be revised and improved after 2005 to optimise monitoring programmes and the programme of measures, The Article 5 economic analysis shall serve as the basis for assessing the economic aspects of the future programme of measures, PRB experience might be used as reporting experience so as to share knowledge and practices. PRB reporting may also flag future uncertainties and issues that deserve special attention when planning programmes of measures and river basin management plans, PRB raised their interest in the continuation.

PRB: Timetable. TIMETABLE: Phase1b. 1) PRBs return Terms of References for the GDs that were not tested in phase 1a Deadline 31 May 2004. 2) Issue 1st draft of 1b Report Deadline June 2004. 3) Self-explanatory examples (case studies) to be sent to JRC 4) Issue Pre-Final version of 1b Report Deadline 12 October 2004. 5) SCG Meeting - 26-27 October 2004. 6) Integrate SCG comments Deadline 10 November 2004. 7) Water Directors Meeting - 2-3 December 2004.

1) PRB Leaders Meeting - Brussels 30 June 2004. PRB: Meetings and Workshops. PRBs Meetings: 1) PRB Leaders Meeting - Brussels 30 June 2004. 2) PRB Workshop - September 2004. 3) PRB Conference - Brussels date to be confirmed. PRBs Workshop: 1) IMPRESS Workshop - GE/UK (to be confirmed) 16-18 June 2004. 2) Workshop on Mediterranean Issues - Italy June /July 2004. 3) Workshop on Wetlands - Venice (Italy) Sept / Oct 2004. 4) HMWB Workshop - GE/UK (to be confirmed) First half 2005. 5) Workshop on Agricultural Pressures - Denmark First half 2005.