Presented By: Amna Shah & Alex Savage Charles Lindbergh Presented By: Amna Shah & Alex Savage
Early Life Born on Feb 4 1902 in Detroit, Michigan Grew up in a farm near Little Falls, Minn. Showed an interest for mechanics at a young age Went to the University of Wisconsin to study engineering, but after 2 years he left to become a barnstormer Barnstormer- a pilot who performed daredevil stunts at fairs
Army In 1924, Lindbergh enlisted in the United States Army to be trained as an Army Air Service Reserve pilot Graduated in 1925 as the best pilot in his class Afterwards, he got a job flying mail between St. Louis and Chicago Gained a reputation as a cautious and capable pilot
Army (Continued) April 1944, Lindbergh became an advisor to the United States Army and Navy at the Pacific war area Flew about 50 combat missions Also developed techniques for cruise control that had increased the capabilities of American fight planes
Orteig Prize In 1919, a New York City hotel owner named Raymond Orteig offered $25,000 to the first aviator to fly nonstop from New York to Paris By, 1927 it had still not been won, so Lindberg decided to take the challenge Built a special plane with he helped design that flew from San Diego to New York (with a overnight stop in St. Louis) that took 20 hours and 21 minutes, a record Named the plane the Spirit of St. Louis On May 20, 1927, he took off from Roosevelt Field, New York at 7:52 AM, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, and landed at Le Bourget Field, near Paris on May 21 at 10:21 pm Flew more than 3,600 miles in 33 ½ hours w/ no stops
Guggenheim Tour After his flight, Lindbergh went on a three month tour of the nation paid for by Harry Guggenheim, a multimillionaire and an aviation enthusiast Harry had visited before the flight and told Lindbergh to call him when he landed Lindbergh flew the Spirit of St. Louis and: Went to 49 states Visited 92 cities Gave 147 speeches And rode in many parades Lindbergh also spent a month at Falaise, Guggenheim’s Sands Point mansion, while writing “We,” his best-selling 1927 account of his trip
Personal Life Married Anne Spencer Morrow in 1929 Had six children together, including Charles Lindbergh Jr. Had maintained 3 secret families in Europe Seven children born by three different mothers Brigitte Hesshaimer ( 2 sons & 1 daughter) Marietta Hesshaimer (2 sons) Valeska, his private secretary ( 1 son & 1 daughter) The 2 sisters suffered from walking disabilities so many did not believe the affair to be true, but DNA test of the children proved that Lindbergh was infact their father Died of lymphoma on August 26, 1974 in his home on the Hawaiian island of Maui
Charles Augustus, Jr Kidnapping On March 1, 1932 Lindbergh's 20 month old son was kidnapped from their family home in New Jersey. The body was found approximately 10 weeks later In 1934 carpenter Bruno Richard Hauptmann was arrested and convicted of the crime Executed in 1936 This kidnapping led Congress to pass the “Lindbergh Law” This law states kidnapping a federal offense if the victim is taken across state lines or if the mail service is used for ransom demands
The Lindy Hop The Lindy Hop was a dance named after Lindbergh after a newspaper headline “LINDY HOPS THE ATLANTIC” came out after his flight in 1927
Work Cited "Charles Lindbergh Biography." Charles Lindbergh Biography. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016. Munich, Bojan Pancevski in. "Aviator Lindbergh 'fathered Children by Three Mistresses'" The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016.