SHS Daily Announcements 2014-15 CONGRATULATIONS to Domonique Garley! She is the 2015 GIRLS TENNIS STATE 5A CHAMPION!
due May 21st. There will be no more book check outs after this date. SHS Daily Announcements 2014-15 All library books are due May 21st. There will be no more book check outs after this date.
Cap and Gowns will be delivered Tuesday, May 19th, during lunch SHS Daily Announcements 2014-15 Cap and Gowns will be delivered Tuesday, May 19th, during lunch
SHS Daily Announcements 2014-15 Tickets are on sale for physicals for athletics. The cost is $15 and may be purchased in the field house athletic training room. Cash only.
SHS Daily Announcements 2014-15 Want to attend Prom but can’t afford Prom Dress? FREE PROM DRESSES AVAILABLE: **Effie Center** Contact: **We’re All About Dresses: Open Thurs-Saturday 11:00am-5:00pm See Ms. Johnson in Delta House for other options and/or more info.
SHS Daily Announcements 2014-15 Summer school information is now available on the district web page under the Parents tab.
SHS Daily Announcements 2014-15 Driver’s Education Information Sheet for Saginaw High School and Chisholm Trail High School The best way to contact us is through email: Instructor: Coach Ben Huddleston Coach Dale Gilbreath Coach Skip Titsworth Gene Vestal The total cost of Driver Education is $300 upfront no payment arrangement. Registration for this class is on Wednesday, 5/20/15 @ 5pm in the main office of SHS Cash, check, or money orders, please. Checks must have your driver’s license number and the name of your student on the bottom of the check. Class dates: May 26- June 16 Times: 5:30am - 7:30am - Instructor – Ben Huddleston 4:30pm- 6:30pm – Instructor – Gene Vestal Location: B115 Lecture Hall – Saginaw High School No absences are allowed
SHS Daily Announcements 2014-15 Main Street will be closed during all lunches until further notice. Also, you will need to get a pass to the library from the librarians before your lunch begins and you must have your ID.
Caps and Gown will be delivered late May. SHS Daily Announcements 2014-15 Seniors - If you ordered any graduation items other than your Cap and Gown and you have not received them, please go to OMEGA House and pick them up. Caps and Gown will be delivered late May.
Saginaw Project Graduation 2015 After-Prom Party at Main Event SHS Daily Announcements 2014-15 Saginaw Project Graduation 2015 After-Prom Party at Main Event Please see SHS website for more information
SHS Daily Announcements 2014-15 Seniors registered with NCAA, make sure you send in a transcript via parchment!!!
SHS Daily Announcements 2014-15 French Club meets every Monday after school (4:30-5:00) and Fridays before school ( 8:15-8:45). We have a lot of activities lined up for this year and, of course, food and fun are guaranteed. Mmmm! Bon Appetit!!! Meetings will be in Room A117. Mme. Chacha