Upcoming Dates and Events Classroom News! OCTOBER 22nd- 25th, 2018 A peek at the week + Upcoming Dates and Events n Reading: I can retell familiar stories, including key details I can recognize letters and sounds. I can identify beginning sounds in words. I can identify words that rhyme. Math: I can name numbers 11-20. I can show teen numbers as a group of ten and some more. I can count to 100 by 10’s and 1’s. Social Studies/ Science: I can use my senses to make observations. (pumpkin unit) I can study pumpkins to help me learn about plant features. Writing: I can draw and write to help me share what I think. Open Court Phonics: Unit 3: Dd and Pp ; initial sounds/final sounds; counting words in a sentences; Oct. 22nd Fall Pictures Retake Oct.29th- 31st Red Ribbon Week Oct. 30th Kona Ice Next week’s homework : r Sight Words: Green List : Number words Read together nightly- Be sure to discuss the book and ask questions Math- Dreambox (Please make sure that you are not helping your child.) Handwriting: practice writing your name and forming letters accurately Social Studies: Student need to practice their address, city, state and nation. (This is a standard.) z