"I have a dream"
Ray Charles Susan B. Anthony The Founding Fathers Mahatma Gandhi
"The imagination is not a State; it is the Human Existence itself.” Victoria Robertson Natalie Dean Anjali Premkumar Lucas Macaluso Piyusha Sane William Blake "The imagination is not a State; it is the Human Existence itself.”
Childhood and Religion Read the Bible at a very young age Entered Art School by age 10 Started writing poems by age 12 Religion Saw visions of angels, monks, Virgin Mary, and historical figures Devout Christian Believed that the church doctrine was primarily used as a form of social control thought similarly about all institutions, especially industry
Marriage and Printing Marriage Printing Married Catherine Boucher She was a poor, illiterate woman Close, loving marriage Printing Opened print shop Developed illuminated printing technique Engraving a poem’s text and illustration on the same plate
Publication and Death Publications Death Songs of Innocence- 1789 Songs of Experience- 1795 Show the "the two contrary states of the human soul” He did illustrations for Dante's Divine Comedy Death Died at age 69 Died singing “of the things he saw in heaven”
Little Boy Lost/ Found (pg. 757) -Have you ever been lost? Purpose What do you think the main purpose was? What do you think happened to the father? How did you interpret the mother?
The Tyger (pg. 758) -What do you think of when you hear the word tiger? Purpose What do you think Blake is trying to tell us? Why do you think tiger is spelled "tyger"? "Did he who made the lamb make thee?"