Classical Civilizations Global Review #2
Classical Civilizations What are the three characteristics of Classical Civilizations? All Classical Civilization have a GOLDEN AGE!!!! P Strong, Centralized Government eace Strong trade networks and strong economy rosperity Contributions/ ideas lasting until today rogress
Greece Geography Accomplishments Mountains: Lack of fertile land; Divided Greeks City- States -Athens: Education, art -Sparta: Militarism Sea: Dependent on Mediterranean Sea for food and resources; skilled sea traders DEMOCRACY! -Philosophy- human reason (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle) Traded with Phoenicians (alphabet), Persians and other Mediterranean seatraders
Rome Geography Accomplishments Mediterranean Sea: location at center = control of Med. Sea trade Large Empire controlled many diverse peoples LAW! The Twelve Tables Advances in Engineering aqueducts, ROADS -Greco-Roman Culture -Split in half—Western Rome (Middle Ages) and Byzantine Empire
Gupta Geography Accomplishments Subcontinent Himalayas in North: isolate and protect India; passage through Hindu Kush Monsoons- seasonal winds that bring rain and fertile soil MATH! Concept of zero and decimals Influenced by Hinduism Sanskrit record keeping
Han Geography Accomplishments Chinese Government? Mountain, plateaus and deserts in Western China isolation ethnocentrism Population in East (arable land, river valleys) Influenced Korea and Japan Civil Service exams based on Confucianism (rule by example) Trade on Silk Road Dynastic Cycle- rise and fall of dynasties (ruling families) Mandate of Heaven- divine approval to rule
All Empire Fall for the same reasons: What are they? External Internal Outside invaders! Attacks! Weak Borders Corrupt Government High Taxes Weak Military Declining infrastructure (bad roads= lack of trade)