English 200 Friday, 2-13-15 “Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.” --Oscar Wilde
Respond and use responses to revise Final Draft Due Friday, 2-20-15 English 200 Friday, 2-13-15 Essay #1 Share with two others Respond and use responses to revise Final Draft Due Friday, 2-20-15
English 200 Friday, 2-13-15 Essay #1 Identify the claim – what does the author want you to think, believe, and/or do? Does the author support well? Are there any holes or gaps in the support? Is there a list of sources page? Are the sources documented correctly? Are there five different sources? Did the author use internal documentation? Does every internal citation refer to a specific source listed on the list of sources page? Mechanics – is the writing mechanically sound? Spelling, Grammar, Format, etc.