Harshavardhana (606-647) Personal details Ruling period: 606 a.d – 647 a.d Father : Prabhara vardhana Brother : Rajavardhana Sister : Rajashree Titles : Uttarpatheshwar, emperor of five indies, Capital City : Thaneswar
Early Difficulties He came throne he was just 14 years old. Taking this advantage many neighboring kings had planned to attack on Harsha’s empire. He wanted save his sister Rajashree who lost her husband he had planned attack on Shahshanka who killed his brother Raja Vardhana. During ha he had with huge financial problems.
Harsha’s conquest Harsha defeated Shasshanka of Bengal and saved His sister. He occupied the entire north india including Bihar, Bengal and Orissa in the east. Conquered Punjab and Sind in the west and received title of Emperor of Five Indies. He also has friendly relationship with King of Kamarupa and Srilanka.
The greatest military achievement of Harsha war against Pulikesin II (Emperor of Chalukyas and Badami). Both emperors me each oher on he bank of Narmada in 620 a.d. The war continued for two years but no one won the war. Finally they come treaty and became good friends and returned back heir capital by receive titles of Uttara Patheshwar and Dakshina patheshwar.
Nalanda University Nalanda University was one of the leading universities in Ancient world. It was founded by Kumara Gupta of Gupta ruler. Nalanda reached on its peak during Harsha reign and Become he best university in earth. Harsha reserved ¼ of he income of expire to the development of the Nalanda University. It had a huge building with 400 acre of campus. Dharma chakra was is symbol of Nalanda University. It has 10,000 students and 1,500 teachers. The ratio between the teacher and the students was 1:7.
It has got separate three storied building for library It has got separate three storied building for library. I had lotus lake in the center of the building. There was a huge auditorium where every day had many cultural programmers and performances. It had students of Srilanka, Japan, China etc., students had to pass 3 rounds of entrance exams to seek the admission in the university. There were 40 different subjects were taught in the university. Most interesting fact was – it was free residential university.
Hieun Tsang (Xuan Zang) Hieun Tsang was a chinese pilgrim who had come to india during Harsha’s reign. He is known as ‘prince of pilgrims’. He was Buddies monk who had dreamt to visit the holy places of Buddhism in india. After a long journey he reached Kashmir the king of Kashmir treated him like an ambassador and he guided him to meet his emperor Harsha. Harsh welcomed him and provided all facilities for him to stay. Soon he visited all holy places which were related to Buddha's life (Lumbini, Kapilavastu, Buddha Gaya, Sarnath and Kushinar).
. He was very much attracted with the Nalanda University and he joined as the student of Nalanda University. He learned Sanskrit and students all Buddhist scripts thoroughly. Later he served in Nalanda as a teacher. He also visited to Harashas friend pulikesin kingdom (badami) and he went to kanchi to see the kanchi University. Later Hieun Tsang left India. Harsha presented a golden Buddha while he was leaving. He went China and started an Ashram called ‘Hung Pttu’. He had written all his experiences of india in a book cakked ‘Si-Yu-Ki’. In that books he expressed that ‘he wished to take re- birth in India.