THESE AMAZING CATS ЭТИ УДИВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ КОШКИ Автор: Слабышева Анна ученица 4 «а» класса руководитель: демченко а.В. учитель английского языка
AIMS OF THE INVESTIGATION. to learn why a cat lands on four paws to learn why a cat purrs
TASKS OF THE INVESTIGATION. 1. to find and learn materials about a cat; its body and habits; 2. to provide a questionnaire; 3. to study and analyze my cat’s behavior; 4. to analyze the whole information and make a conclusion
Hypothesis: I think that a cat purrs when it’s calm, satisfied and safe. I suppose it falls and lands on four paws because of her bodybuilding. I hope the investigation will prove my considerations and guesses.
METHODS OF THE INVESTIGATION watching, collecting analyzing of different materials
WHY DO PEOPLE LOVE CATS? The answers were different: a) because cats purr; b)because they are long-livers, c)because they are medical! And some simply like cats and that’s all!
But nobody knew the answer why do cats meow? That’s why I decided to choose this problem to research
Everything started long- long ago. In Russia cats appeared in the 11th century, thanks to travellers and sailors. Murkas and Basils won the love of all.
PROVERBS ABOUT CATS A lot of proverbs, fairy- tales and many signs appeared about cats: All cats look alike in the dark. - American Proverb A cat in gloves catches no mice.- English Proverb When the cat's away, the mice will play.- English Proverb The cat is magical and the bringer of good luck. - Indian Proverb The cat loves fish, but hates wet feet. - Medieval Proverb After dark all cats are leopards. - Native American Proverb It’s raining cats and dogs (about our summer!)
Why do cats purr? When they are glad, happy, calm. They show their gratitude. They treat themselves, us or calm down their kittens.
Why do cats always land on four paws? During my project I knew that cat’s tail is movable and allows it to keep balance in jumping and their vestibular apparatus helps cats to land on their feet.
LITERATURE 1) Encyclopedia for children. 2) The internet articles: