Communicating With Government Officials
Communicating with Elected Officials is an indication of a good citizen lets officials know how issues affect you increases your effectiveness as an advocate for legislation or issues
Meet with your Government Officials local officials – you often know take advantage of informal opportunities local officials – you often know them as friends or neighbors state officials – they often live in or near your community; many hold public meetings or forums locally federal officials – Senators or Representatives; they often visit the state on weekends or during Congressional recess
Meet with your Government Officials prepare for the visit plan ahead an organized meeting may be more effective prepare for the visit plan ahead be respectful do not stay too long consider meeting with staff have your photo taken
Write to your Government Officials be original often the preferred method of communication be original make it easy to receive a reply be brief and to the point remain issue focused indicate who you are and your concerns be sure the letter is readable be polite
When sending letters remember: Person addressed Where to send letters Salutation Closing President or Vice President of the United States The President (or Vice President) of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr./Ms. President (or Vice President) Sincerely yours,
When sending letters remember: Person addressed Where to send letters Salutation Closing U.S. Senator The Honorable (first name and last name) United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator (last name) Sincerely yours, U.S. Representative United States House of Representatives Dear Representative (last name)
When sending letters remember: Person addressed Where to send letters Salutation Closing State Governor The Honorable (first name and last name) 700 Capital Avenue Suite 100 Frankfort, KY 40601 Dear Governor (last name) Sincerely yours, State Lt. Governor Suite 142 Dear Mr./Ms.(last name)
When sending letters remember: Person addressed Where to send letters Salutation Closing State Senator The Honorable (first name and last name) State Capitol, (Room number) Kentucky Senate Frankfort, KY 40601 Dear Senator (last name) Sincerely yours, State Representative Kentucky House of Representatives Dear Representative (last name)
E-mail or Fax your Government Officials e-mail and fax numbers located on web page most use web forms direct e-mail address often used by local officials, not state or federal not all officials respond to e-mail follow guidelines for letters include legislation name and number include your position on the issue indicate if you are a voter in the district include your address
Kentucky Legislative Message Line Telephone Your Government Officials will quickly verify your position identify legislation by name and number listen as well as speak send additional information calls may be answered by staff ask for a written response to your call Kentucky Legislative Message Line 1-800-372-7181
For More Information http://www.kentucky/gov
QUESTIONS References: Bethel, Margaret and Moore, Beth (2005). Citizens’ guide for communicating with elected officials. Michigan State University Cooperative Extension. Communicating with elected officials. Pittsburgh: The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh. What does it mean to be a citizen in a democracy? Ohio Literacy Resource Center. QUESTIONS Connee Wheeler, BS, MS Senior Extension Associate October 2007 Copyright © 2007 for materials developed by University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension. This publication may be reproduced in portions or its entirety for educational or nonprofit purposes only. Permitted users shall give credit to the author(s) and include this copyright notice. Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.