Committee Mission After-Action Report Selected Comments from T/R Students Spring 2015
Keep an open mind.
Be proactive. The last minute rush sucks.
We should have forced that kid to participate.
Meet up.
I liked working in our group I liked working in our group. There were some very attractive (people) to interact with.
We over-complicated things.
Too much PowerPoint. Incentivize other means of display.
I learned about the “shady” habits of our classmates.
Make friends. Be friends.
Problem: doing it right after Spring Break is difficult. Sooner? Later? -Stan
Do 2 group projects (new groups of people).
Friends were made!
Give us more time in class for this.
Work together.
Meet deadlines.
Show up.
The group members should grade each other.
We should be able to pick our own groups.
We should be able to pick our own topics. Doo whut? The groups DID have the option to switch to any topic that relates to our class. -Stan
A do-nothing slacker earned a grade that was not far below what I got.
We should be able to kick out those who don’t work.
I learned that I can do less and still get the same grade I learned that I can do less and still get the same grade. Next time I will not work as hard.
Some people pretend to be involved, but really are not.
Our group leader was always stressed out.
Grade us as individuals, not as a group.
I HATE groups, but this time I enjoyed it.
Keep rising up!
Make a Facebook group.
Leadership is key.
I’ll connect more next time.
Designate a specific date that the presentations will take place. Doo whut? The date was in the syllabus weekly schedule. -Stan
Grace is imperative.
Some things are out of your control. I’m working on my control issues
…burden of proof for effort by members… Would the individuals provide this proof to the teacher? (a “culture of evidence” is good)
…interaction, chemistry, fun…
I would have given the whole f---ing group a zero.
Some people did more work than others.
I loved my group. I think we did an awesome job I loved my group. I think we did an awesome job. You graded wrong and didn’t explain too well. Who knew timing would ruin our grade. Thanks
I really liked this activity.
Group projects build team building skills, great for future interactions.
Teamwork… Be active in the group.
The way that the groups get grade it should be different The way that the groups get grade it should be different.!!! (typed as written)
For timing I didn’t know the questions were part of the time.
Some students do nothing and are not interested to participate and the othe people have to discuss with them at the grade time. So please find a solution for that please. Your exams are pretty hard as well. Sorry (typed as written)
Lessiten to Leaders be reasonable (typed as written)
It was a good experience to know new people.
I enjoy group work it was fun… I really liked this group activities I enjoy group work it was fun… I really liked this group activities. (typed as written)
I feel like I was stuck with the same, not committed people for most of the semester.
I enjoyed working in a group. My teammates were great and cooperative I enjoyed working in a group. My teammates were great and cooperative. I feel like I also learned more by sharing our ideas together.
I hate presentation but this time I do it well. I love my group so much.
Summary by Stan: Everyone pitch in no matter what. Just do it Summary by Stan: Everyone pitch in no matter what! Just do it. Keep it simple. If needed, pretend you care about the topic or task and… suck it up and go. SIUGO