What is Rotary Youth Exchange? 4/25/2019 What is Rotary Youth Exchange? This template can be used as a starter file for presenting training materials in a group setting. Sections Right-click on a slide to add sections. Sections can help to organize your slides or facilitate collaboration between multiple authors. Notes Use the Notes section for delivery notes or to provide additional details for the audience. View these notes in Presentation View during your presentation. Keep in mind the font size (important for accessibility, visibility, videotaping, and online production) Coordinated colors Pay particular attention to the graphs, charts, and text boxes. Consider that attendees will print in black and white or grayscale. Run a test print to make sure your colors work when printed in pure black and white and grayscale. Graphics, tables, and graphs Keep it simple: If possible, use consistent, non-distracting styles and colors. Label all graphs and tables. Presenter : Presentation Date :
Agenda History Types of Exchange Rotary Family Program Management Roles and Responsibilities Student Selection Orientation Farewell District 9680
History 1920’s Began in Europe between a handful of Clubs 1930’s Continued in Europe up until the outbreak of World War 11 1946 Exchange Program resumes 1972 Becomes an official program of RI Today over 8,000 students participate in the program each year. District 9680
(Australia – New Zealand) Types of Exchange Long Term (12 Months) Short Term (3 Months) New Generations (3-6 weeks) Vocational Twin (Australia – New Zealand) District 9680
International Service The Rotary Family Rotary Club Avenues of Service Club Service Vocational Service Community Service Youth Service International Service District 9680
Program Management District / Multi-District Chairman Committee 3 year Term Committee Structure Treasurer Placement Officers Inbound/Outbound Counsellors District 9680
Responsibilities of the District Committee Work with Clubs Train Club Youth Committee on Youth Exchange Establish Expectations Provide Information Encourage Alumni/ ROTEX Co-ordinate Youth Protection Screen all Volunteers Ensure Child Protections Forms are Signed Develop Support Systems Manage Outbound activities Establish International Contacts Help Clubs select students Manage Orientation Program Co Ordinate Travel Review Student Reporting Manage Inbound Activities District/Club Liaison Manage arrival orientation Assist Host Parent training Airport Duties Risk Management Incident Management Guidelines for Student/Adult Volunteer removal Crisis Management Procedures Back-up Host Families Insurance District 9680
Responsibilities of the District Committee Student Compliance RI Guidelines District Guidelines Club Guidelines Promote Program Club & District Websites Facebook Local Newspaper Articles Effective Communication Students Clubs District Officers District Reporting Serious Incidents Harassment Early Returns Deaths Program Evaluation Prohibition of Club to Club exchange All Exchanges must go via District structure District 9680
Responsibilities of the Rotary Club (General) Co-Ordinate Club Youth Exchange Activities District Programs RI Policies District Policies Attending District YE Meetings Establish Club expectations with Student Ensure Students attends mandatory Functions District Conference Orientation Briefings Notify District Chair of any issues or concerns District 9680
Responsibilities of the Rotary Club (Outbound Student) Promote Youth Exchange Program To Students in Community Distribute Application Forms Interview candidate Students Recommend successful students to District Assign Club Counsellor to successful Student Maintain contact with student and district co-ordinator District 9680
Responsibilities of the Rotary Club (inbound Student) Establish contact before arrival Meet student at airport Assign a Rotarian counsellor Interview and screen potential host families Arrange following: Monthly Allowance Bank account School enrolment District 9680
Responsibilities of the Rotary Club (Counsellor) Establish contact before arrival Club Expectations District Expectations Documentation issues Counsel Student Class choice Making friends General activities Assist with: Culture Language Ensure Student is involved in school and community activities Be an advocate for the student in any matter District 9680
Responsibilities of Rotary International Forward Student inquiries to District Chairs Provide up to date list of District Chairs Facilitate Communication between District Chairs Develop promotional material for the program Work with other exchange programs and regulatory authorities Assist in planning annual meeting of Youth Exchange chairs at annual RI Conference District 9680
Student Selection Age 15-17 (must not be 18 on day of departure) Age 18-25 for the New Generations exchange program Above-average academic performance Ability to express oneself clearly and effectively Demonstrated community leadership skills Residency (within the sending district) Adaptability (outgoing, confident, and willing to adjust to changing surroundings) Potential for being an excellent Rotary ambassador Complete and unqualified support of parents Proficiency in or capacity to learn the language of the host country District 9680
Information for Parents Outbound Orientation Program Information Expectations Cultural Preparation Safety Travel Information Information for Parents District 9680
Outbound Orientation Program Information Rules and regulations Travel restrictions Finances Roles and responsibilities of participants Basic Rotary information Budgeting (allowance/stipend and costs) Contact information for the sending district chair, district governor, club president, and Rotarian counsellor Program Information District 9680
Outbound Orientation Expectations Suggestions for speaking at Rotary Meetings (e.g., bring USB with a PowerPoint presentation, pictures, maps from home) Communications with home Role as a Rotary ambassador Expectations District 9680
Outbound Orientation Cultural Preparation Role of the host club and counsellor Homesickness Adaptability and cultural tolerance Language training Host families and sample questions Cross-cultural preparation and research on host country Gift Giving Cultural Preparation District 9680
Safety Outbound Orientation Abuse and harassment prevention and awareness training, including reporting (required) Gender-specific breakout session to discuss sensitive issues (eating disorders, sexual harassment, etc.). Within rooms, it’s a good idea to separate students by native language or according to countries/regions they are visiting. District 24-hour contact number and contact information for two non- Rotarian resource persons, one male and one female Safety District 9680
Outbound Orientation Travel Information Passport and visa information Finances/money Insurance, health care discussions Luggage, packing suggestions, etc. Youth Exchange Blazers Travel Information District 9680
Information for Parents Outbound Orientation Parents-only meeting to discuss the challenges of being a parent of an exchange student, visiting the student abroad, and what the parent can expect when their child comes home Information for Parents District 9680
Working with Parents Preparing for the return Financial Obligations Rules for Students Parental Visits Correspondence Preparing for the return District 9680
The most effective host families are Inbound Hosting Caring and respectful with each other Curious about different activities and places outside the home and interested in a variety of topics Flexible (able to adapt to having someone new in the home) Good humoured and able to put a problem or situation into perspective Patient and willing to work through common misunderstandings Have children of a similar age The most effective host families are District 9680
Inbound Orientation Program Information Expectations Cultural Concerns Health & Safety District 9680
Saying Goodbye Farewell During the final weeks of an exchange, many students struggle with conflicting emotions about leaving the new friends they’ve made and returning home. Involve host families Finalize travel arrangements. Invite students to participate in outbound orientation. Conduct evaluations. Saying Goodbye District 9680