Diana Weaver and Keith Bell Lehigh University Faculty Grade Entry Diana Weaver and Keith Bell Lehigh University
CPE Credits To receive CPE credits for this session (if eligible), complete the CPE Attendance Form on the PABUG Annual Conference website http://pabug.org/events/cpe-credits/ For additional questions please contact Lora Harper CPE - Coordinator http://pabug.org/contact-us/
Lehigh University Located in Pennsylvania's beautiful Lehigh Valley, Lehigh is one of the nation's most distinguished private research universities. Over 7,000 undergraduates and graduates students Over 600 Faculty full-time and part-time
Implementation Steps Read through Faculty Grade Entry Handbook Get buy-in from some faculty Configuration in banner and webtailor Communication is key Provide necessary training Added enhancements request to Ellucian
WebTailor Administration Configuration
Update Getting Started text – Customize a web menu or procedure = FGE9
GettingStartedTitle GettingStartedBody GettingStartedFooter
Update Links on SSB
Remove MidTerm and Final Grade links in SSB under customize a set of menu items (bmenu.P_FacMainMnu)
Example How to Remove Link for Final Grades
Add Faculty Grade Entry Link bmenu.P_FacMainMnu
Banner Modifications
GTVSDAX Rules GMODGRD – determines what grades are available Set to N in order to display all available grades INCLUCLASS – determines whether courses are displayed on the FGE page based on the Display Class List At first we set this to Y, but we realized that all course a faculty ever taught where being displayed so we changed to N (ignores any term that has grading not opened on soaterm) MIDTERM – restricts entry of midterm grades for student Set to N to display all students on the class roster for grading. PHOTOS – determine whether or not student photos are displayed on the FGE page Set to Y to display the photo if available ATTENDHRS – determines whether the hours attended data is displayed Set to N to not display the hours attended field SCALELIMIT – rule for rounding student’s score External code set to 2
SOATERM Web Processing Controls tab Part of Term and Web Registration Controls
Changes Out of Our Control Technical Changes Out of Our Control
StudentFacultyGradeEntry_configuration.groovy File Adjusting the tabs Remove Gradebook tab * * * Tab to preselect when loading the page * * * * midterm - Midterm Grades * * final - Final Grades * * gradebook - Gradebook * * * ***************************************************************************** **/ facultyGradeEntry.preSelectedTabId = 'final' /** ***************************************************************************** Branding the site
Roll out
Roll out with our midterm grading Email communication went out to current faculty with news of the available functionality 6 Training sessions were offered 3 Videos were created; basic, importing and exporting Documentation was created Argos Faculty Dashboard
Types of Feedback Received from Faculty System was easy to navigate Appreciated the use of color in the buttons to show what courses where completed. Some faculty are responsible for over 60 courses and needed to know which ones where completed and which ones need attention Excited about the import feature available Videos were extremely helpful
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