The Sexual Revolution, It’s fallout and the Churches response The Sexual Revolution, It’s fallout and the Churches response. Eph 5:3 But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. “ How should I respond to those in my life that making the choice to live in sexual sin? “
Helping others find freedom from Sexual sin. Matthew 7:1-6 Questions we need to ask ourselves. #1 Are you loving or Condemning? What’s the difference , The motive behind it all. #2 Are you being Hypocritical? Are you dealing with your own sin first? You don’t have to be an Olympic Swimmer to help a man that is drowning and you don’t have to be a perfect Christian to help another be set free from sinning.
Helping others find freedom from Sexual sin. Matthew 7:1-6 #3 Are you expecting Godly behavior from someone who doesn’t know Jesus? CAN A CHILD OF GOD LIVE IN SEXUAL SIN? YES! Can they do it and be Content? No! If they are a child of God and still make the choice to reject God’s will , they can expect to experience His loving punishment .Heb 12