Discussion on General Education What I want to do in the next hour Talk briefly about our general education curriculum Stimulate discussion about it-- Eric Schultz EEB, GEOC, DGenEd 29 January 2019 Department Heads
Goals DGE Structure Communication
How could the curriculum improve? Clearer outcomes Greater flexibility and simplicity Better integration Fuller use of High-Impact Practices
What are we proposing to do? Design a new structure that is better suited to preparing our students for today’s challenges Imbue the curriculum with a greater sense of excitement and purpose
Breadth and Depth
Breadth and Depth
Breadth and Depth Topics courses have no prerequisites that are not Gen Ed topics courses Students take at least seven courses, comprising one course in each topic and at least three courses in one topic Selected courses represent at least 6 subject areas
Breadth and Depth No more than one course that is required for the major may be counted Scientific theory and empiricism course is a lab course except for students in majors in Biological and Physical Sciences
Breadth and Depth Integrative experience: Topics course that highlights connections among disciplines, and/or a service-learning course, internship, or a capstone course