Bellringer: Real World Grammar Fails What is wrong with this picture? How could it be fixed to be grammatically correct? Answer in at least 3 sentences.
Self-Selected Vocabulary (due 9/22) Choose 5 words. Give part of speech for each word. Give the appropriate definition for each word (Be careful because some words can have multiple parts of speech and definitions). Where did you find each word? For example, “on the back of a cereal box” or “in a conversation with my math teacher.” Why did you choose each word? Use it! You must write a cohesive paragraph on a topic of your choosing that uses all 5 words from your list. All words must be underlined. This assignment must be hand-written and legible!
The Hero’s Journey
Ordinary World
Call to Adventure
Refusal of the Call
Meeting the Mentor
Crossing the Threshold
Tests, Allies, Enemies
Approach to the Inmost Cave
Reward/Seizing the Sword
The Road Back
Return with the Elixir
Your Turn! In groups of 3-4, fit a book/movie/TV show into The Hero’s Journey. Don’t worry if all the stages aren’t filled; some stories fit better than others. 1 paper with all your group members’ names Turn in before you leave