We need to digest our food Our body needs to break down our food into simpler substances. Is made up of the following organs
1. Mouth food enters our body through our mouth 2. Oesophagus is a tube between our mouth and stomach 3. Stomach is like a bag
4. Intestine is a long tube, it´s made up of two parts small intestine large intestine
The stages of digestion 1.Digestion begins in the mouth Our teeth cut and chew the food. Our tongue mixes the food with Saliva.
2.The food goes down the oesophagus and into the stomach.
3.In the stomach The food is mixed with a liquid (gastric juice) This breaks down the food into simpler substances. This mixture then goes into the intestine.
4. In the small intestine the food is divided All the useful parts of our food go into the blood. The parts that we can´t use go into the large intestine.
5.In the large intestine they are transformed into faeces. 6.Faeces are expelled through the anus.