[RR-TAG Liaison Report to 802.22] Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 January 2009 [RR-TAG Liaison Report to 802.22] Date: 2009-1- 22 Peter Murray TMG, Inc. Westfield NJ 908-232-9054 petermurr@mac.com Peter Murray, TMG, Inc. John Doe, Some Company
Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 January 2009 Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group Liaison - IEEE 802 Wireless WGs - National and International Regulatory Agencies WG requests and regulatory changes drive TAG actions Supports Wireless WGs Spectrum Requirements Tracks regulatory actions and provides advice to regulators to foster effective use of licensed and unlicensed spectrum Peter Murray, TMG, Inc. John Doe, Some Company
RR-TAG Update Heard an update on EN 300 328 changes for v1.8.1 Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 January 2009 RR-TAG Update Generated a response to ECC WG SE24 on use of 5 GHz onboard aircraft Heard an update on EN 300 328 changes for v1.8.1 Final review of 802.16 inputs to IMT-Advanced (editorial changes only) Re-edited the 802.11 input to M.1450; updates for new amendments caused document formatting errors Start looking at responses to the TVWS R&O Peter Murray, TMG, Inc. John Doe, Some Company
Weather Radars and 5 GHz RLANs January 2009 Weather Radars and 5 GHz RLANs EUMETNET is claiming (erroneously) that DFS does not work, and that 5 GHz RLANs must be banned from aircraft (and possibly all mobile platforms) Claim that mobile platforms cannot meet new CAC requirements Mobile radars are protected by In Service Monitoring; CAC not relevant Want to block 5600 – 5650 MHz band; could be extended to full 5250 – 5350 and 5470 – 5725 MHz bands Issues seen appear to have been with non-compliant, high-power APs Boeing has performed field test; data show no impact on weather radar operation Letter asks SE24 to consider test data, and that RLAN community be involved in any future decisions on this matter Peter Murray, TMG, Inc.
Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 January 2009 References 18-09-0006-00-0000-ecc-draft-report-on-airborne-5ghz-rlans-and-radar 18-09-0011-00-0000-letter-to-se24-concerning-airborne-rlans 18-09-0007-00-0000-5ghz-rlans-and-radars-in-eu 18-09-0012-00-0000-en300_328_update 18-09-0008-00-0000-itu-mark Peter Murray, TMG, Inc. John Doe, Some Company
RR-TAG Reviewed a Liaison from 802.16 to the ITU-R SG5 Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 January 2009 RR-TAG Reviewed a Liaison from 802.16 to the ITU-R SG5 The content shows 802.16 has set a time line for submitting an RIT. The documents 08/0085 and 08/0086 Peter Murray, TMG, Inc. John Doe, Some Company
RR-TAG Discussion on Reply comments to the FCC R&O 08-206 Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 January 2009 RR-TAG Discussion on Reply comments to the FCC R&O 08-206 802.22 and .11 discussion input on the FCC R&O reference docs are: 22-09-0026-00-0000-802-22-to-802-18-on-tvws-rando-doc.doc 18-09-0016-00-0000-802-11-input-08-260-petition-for-reconsideration An editing group will hold a conference call Friday Jan. 30th Peter Murray, TMG, Inc. John Doe, Some Company
RR-TAG Questions? The next meeting is in Vancouver Canada, March 09 Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 January 2009 RR-TAG The next meeting is in Vancouver Canada, March 09 Questions? Peter Murray, TMG, Inc. John Doe, Some Company