Elk Grove Unified School District Incoming 9th Grade Course Selection Welcome Class of 2023 HONORABLE RESPECTFUL RESPONSIBLE ENGAGED Elk Grove Unified School District
Tips for a great Freshman Year Make school a priority and make sure you attend every day! Expect 2 hours of homework a night. Stay updated on your grades! (Synergy - StudentVUE) Get involved with school activities—Join a club, sport, specialized program - DO SOMETHING! “Begin with the end in mind.” - Stephen Covey
COHS Program Elements 10th – 12th Grade Career Academies & Pathways: Advanced Placement Capstone Program Architecture Design and Engineering Coding and Robotics Culinary Arts Digital Communication Empowering Entrepreneurs Medical Careers Visual and Performing Arts Program
AP CAPSTONE PROGRAM 11th Grade 12th Grade Go to collegeboard.org for more information. Study topics of your own choosing, in depth. Master key skills you’ll use in college and career. Stand out in your college applications and interviews. Program Director: Rachel Baird
Architecture Design and Engineering Pathway (ADE) Students have the opportunity to explore mechanical and architectural computer drawings as well as building projects in engineering and building trades. 9th Grade Courses: Exploring Technology Computer Aided Design/Drafting (CADD) Building Trades Academy Instructors Aaron Krueger & Tim McDougal
Coding and Robotics Pathway Students will learn computer programming using a variety of platforms and languages (Robot C, C/C++, Ch, Python, and JAVA) Students will learn about and use electronics, small robots, and large robots to complete tasks and challenges. 9th grade courses: Computing with Robotics Pathway Director: Melissa Hale
Kerri Hock & Vincent “Vinny” Lazzaretto Culinary Arts Academy Designed to prepare students for employment in the culinary arts industry (Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Industry Sector) and for post secondary training and education. 9th Grade Courses: Intro to Culinary Arts Food and Nutrition Academy Instructors Kerri Hock & Vincent “Vinny” Lazzaretto
Digital Communication Pathway (Broadcast Journalism) Graphic Design Video Production Broadcast Journalism Digital Art and Graphic Design I Video I Video I Graphic Design – Designed to provide students with an interest in print design. Design curriculum includes the study of type, image, and message, including, but not limited to, things such as: logo design, advertising, magazine or book design, illustration, poster design, and so much more! Video Production – This pathway is designed for students with an interest in all things video. Broadcast Journalism – Designed to provide students with an interest in the type of news reporting. Media in broadcast journalism includes television, radio and the Internet. Pathway Instructors – Abby Wright & Tim Youngs
Empowering Entrepreneurs Pathway EMPOWERING ENTREPRENEURS Pathway is designed to empower entrepreneurial literacy among high school students. The students will learn how to be innovative and take an idea for a product or service, learn the process of taking to the marketplace and explore good business practices necessary to make a profit. Students will experience first-hand how to become an innovator and future entrepreneur. In addition, students will have the opportunity to be part of COHS FBLA organization and take their projects to local, state, regional, and national events providing great experiences for those students that want to go the extra mile. 10th grade course: General Business Pathway Director: Carol DeCoux-Lantay
Medical Careers Pathway For students who are interested in the health and medical fields. Students will learn human anatomy, physiology, diseases and patient care skills. Students will have opportunities for job shadowing and externships with local medical facilities. Pathway Sequence (beginning 10th grade year): Medical Careers I: Anatomy and Medical Terminology Medical Careers II: Physiology and Pathology Medical Careers III: Advanced Patient Care Skills Pathway Director: Jennifer Wulsin
Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Program Designed to provide students who have a strong desire and motivation in the Arts with concentrated and focused study in a variety of Arts disciplines. Provides an atmosphere that fosters interdisciplinary connections found among all areas of artistic expression. 9th Grade Courses may include: Drama Productions Photography I Intro to Concert Band Theater I Art I Intro to Concert Choir Jazz Dance I Ceramics I Music Appreciation Guitar Workshop Drumming Digital Art & Graphic Design Academy Instructors: Christina Chun (Performance Arts) Mike Mangonon (Music) Tom Sellas (Visual Arts)
Participating in an Academy / Pathway Write the Academy/Pathway name at the top of your form. Select the intro classes for that pathway as your top elective. 9th graders will have the opportunity to apply for Academies/Pathways during 10th grade course selection. Architecture Design and Engineering Exploring Technology, Building Trades, CADD Coding and Robotics Computing with Robotics Culinary Arts Intro to Culinary Arts, Food and Nutrition Digital Communication Video Production I, Digital Art/Graphic Design Empowering Entrepreneurs General Business Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Any Visual and Performing Art Class
Graduation Requirements English 40 Credits Math 30 Credits Science 30 Credits Social Science 35 Credits PE 20 Credits World Language 10 Credits VAPA 10 Credits Health 5 Credits Computer Technology 5 Credits or Proficiency Speech 5 Credits or Proficiency Electives 30-40 Credits Total Credits 220 Credits
“a-g” CSU and UC College Requirements In order to be eligible to attend any school in the University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) system as a freshmen, you must take certain high school classes known as “a-g”. All classes must be passed with a “C” grade or better. 2 years of History/ Social Science 4 years of English 3 years of math minimum (Math III), 4 years recommended Lab Sciences – 2 years required, 3 recommended (Chemistry) 2 years same World Language 1 year-long VAPA course 1 year college prep elective
Course Selection 2019-2020 Today you will be filling out your Course Request for next year’s classes. For specific course and prerequisite information please reference the district catalog or you may go to the district website to access an online course catalog. Go to www.egusd.net click on Academics then Course Catalogs
COHS SAMPLE SCHEDULE – 9TH GRADE Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 1 Freshmen Seminar (Focus on College and Career) Math Math I Math II Math III Computer Technology 2 English Health Social Science World Geography Honors W. Geography (2 Terms) 3/4 Physical Education Science General Science Biology 5 Math I (Bridge) or Elective World Language
Required Courses Section You must circle 1 course from EACH of these subject categories.
Should I enroll in Honors classes at Cosumnes Oaks High School? HONORS COURSES SELECTION PROCESS Honors English 9 Humanities or Lang Arts in 8th grade with Cs or better. A’s and B grades recommended. Honors World Geography Humanities or Social Studies in 8th grade with Cs or better. A’s and B grades recommended.
Biology Biology Chemistry Physics Biology: NOT Honors but an accelerated course for 9th grade. 9th grade students who would like to take Biology - must have completed Honors Science 8 at their EGUSD middle school with a “C” in all terms or semesters, must also have completed Math I or Math 8 with a “C” or better. Students who enroll in Biology in the 9th grade will be expected to enroll in the following course sequence to meet graduation requirements: Biology Chemistry Physics
Students will Get Focused by taking a required 9th grade class that meets the “g” elective credit. They will explore the following questions: Who Am I? What Do I Want? How Do I Get It? Additionally, they will develop an online 10-year plan: Students will Stay Focused by revisiting and updating their 10- year plan throughout 10th, 11th, and 12th grade through follow up lessons in advocacy. This plan will become a tool for teachers, counselors and administrators to use as they work with students.
Electives ELECTIVE COURSES After the REQUIRED COURSES section, you will see a section called: ELECTIVE COURSES There are 10 subject categories to choose from. Please choose 6 elective choices. Rank these by first circling the course number and then placing 1 through 6 next to it, with 1 being your first choice, 2 being your second choice, etc. Please refer to the Course Catalog for course descriptions or any prerequisites that may apply. Remember, if you choose a course you may be scheduled into it even if it is your 6th choice. Not all electives are taught every period.
Electives 1 5 2 3 4 6 1 3 4 2 6 5
Additionally… At the top of your course request form, you will see a box for students with a 504 plan and one for students who are in Special Education classes or have an IEP. Please check one of these IF they apply to you. All students should check one of the boxes at the bottom of the form to indicate your current goal after high school. This will help us place you in the correct classes. Community College Four Year College or University Other
See you next year! Next Step! Take the time to fill out your paperwork. Counselors will be available for any questions. Both parent/guardian and student need to sign the form at the bottom. Please turn in top form before you leave. Save the Date: Freshmen Orientation August 10, 2018 Your final schedule will be handed out on the first day of school. See you next year!