I can control a motor and use a sensor Lesson 1
What are inputs and outputs?
What about this…
What is an IR (Infrared) sensor? It is used to measure distance. The Edbot Dream control box (microcontroller) has 3 IR sensors built in: one at the front. one on the left. one on the right.
What is a motor? It is used to create movement of your robot. You can control its speed and direction.
Demo What is the input and output on the Crocodile?
Challenge You are going to program the crocodile to close its mouth when you place your hand it its mouth. What do we need to tell the crocodile to do?
Open and close the mouth What do all these blocks do?
Extension Challenges Can you make the mouth open faster or slower? Can you make it repeat 5 times? Can you make the mouth open when you press a key? You may need to add or change blocks.
Investigation What happens when you click this? Can you explain the procedure that runs?
Making it react How can we arrange these blocks to make the crocodile react?
Extension Challenge Using the following blocks can you make the crocodile open its mouth when you clap 3 times?
What have we learnt? What are the purple blocks? Give an example of an input or output?
Self-assessment Write your name and class at the top of the sheet. Read the highlighted points and tick those that you feel you have achieved.