Are All Novel Insulins Proven to Be Equally Safe?
CV Safety With Intensive Glucose Lowering
Regulatory Request for CV Safety Trials
DEVOTE: Study Drugs
Rationale for DEVOTE Trial
DEVOTE Baseline Characteristics
DEVOTE: Primary Endpoint Time to First 3-Point MACE
DEVOTE Primary Endpoints: 3-Point MACE, 4-Point MACE, and All-Cause Death
DEVOTE Study Design
Less Hypoglycemia With Basal Analogues vs NPH
Treat-to-Target Trial Design
EDITION T2DM Trials Meta-Analysis: Glargine U300 vs Glargine U100
EDITION T2DM Trials Meta-Analysis: Lower Confirmed/Severe and Nocturnal Hypoglycemia With Glargine U300 vs U100
Glargine U300
Degludec vs Glargine U100: BEGIN Trials Meta-Analysis of Patients With T2DM on High Doses of Insulin
Hypoglycemia Rates With Novel Basal Analogues Meta-Analysis: Insulin Degludec vs Glargine
Degludec vs Glargine U100: SWITCH Trials Crossover Study Design in Patients With T1DM and T2DM
Degludec vs Glargine U100: SWITCH Trials Headline Results
DEVOTE Secondary Endpoints: Similar Mean HbA1c Reduction
DEVOTE Secondary Endpoints: Rates of Severe Hypoglycemia
DEVOTE Secondary Endpoints: Rates of Nocturnal Severe Hypoglycemia
DEVOTE: EAC-Confirmed Severe Hypoglycemia in This Double-Blinded Trial
Hypoglycemia: The Cardiologist’s Perspective
Hypoglycemia: The Endocrinologist’s Perspective
DEVOTE: Trial Design