WARM-UP – P. 27 in your notebook Imagine that you are making a poster to advertise yourself or something you care about/believe in. Create a sketch of the ad or an outline of the information you would put on it. Use all 3 types of persuasive appeals to convince someone about why your subject is AWESOME: ETHOS – appeal to ethics, credibility, authority PATHOS – appeal to emotion LOGOS – appeal to logic, information, facts
Documentary Film as Text – p. 28 How are films actually texts? Well, think about the ways a filmmaker might persuade you… Camera angles enhance perspective, such as low angles that give the subject power. Mise-en-scene (set and setting inside camera frame) creates cultural and ideological context. Where is the film shot, and why is that important? Sound effects animate products or even ideas, giving them emotion. Lighting is used to draw your eye to certain details. Editing is used to pace and generate excitement. Notice how military and video game ads have very fast cuts, usually a scene change every second
How Camera Angles Modify the Message Signifier (shot) Definition Signified (meaning) Close-up Media shot Long shot Full shot Face only Most of body Place and subjects Full body of person Intimacy Personal relationship Context, scope, public distance Social relationship
Signifier (film/video) How Editing Effects Modify the Message Signifier (film/video) Definition Signified (meaning) Pan down Pan Up Zoom in Fade in Fade Out Cut Wipe Camera looks down Camera looks up Camera moves in Image appears on blank screen Image screen goes blank Switch from one image to another Image wiped off screen Power, Authority Smallness, weakness Observation, focus Beginning Ending Simultaneity, excitement Imposed conclusion.
Critical Thinking About Film Reminder: Always think about how words, images, and sounds are used (message), by whom (sender) and for what purpose (intended and actual receivers)
Analyzing the Message Is it in the form of an argument? If not, what is its intended effect? If so, do you buy into the argument?
What persuasive techniques are used? Rhetoric – logos, ethos, and pathos Remember the ELM: Be aware that peripheral cues (including camera angles, mise-en-scene, music, etc) may send different or additional messages than the direct, obvious message (possibly simple entertainment) delivered via the central route