Solar Loops We are using computer programming to compare models, including our own, to data from satelites. According to the data, solar flares cool far more slowly than would be expected from the theory. So to attempt to fix this problem, we model the solar loop as many interwoven loops, or an arcade, rather than a single loop. Over the course of the summer, we will attempt to refine this model. We will attempt to figure out how many strands in each loop. We will also attempt to remove assumptions from the model.
How Could There Be Many Loops and Yet We Don’t See Them? Each of the pixels that are used aboard telescopes, do not resolve small enough amounts of the sun for us to tell the difference between one loop and many loops.
This week As of now, I am making a program that will present data from Yohkoh around an asked for time. It will allow me to remove pictures that didn’t take well, separate it by the filters it uses and produces light curves for each filter.