Phase 1 Rulemaking Timeline* 12/12/2017 Information gathering session 12/19/2017 Draft rules to stakeholders 1/9/2018 Stakeholder meeting 2/2/2018 Stakeholder comments due on draft 1 2/7/2018 2/20/2018 Draft 2 to stakeholders 3/6/2018 3/13/2018 Stakeholder comments due on draft 2 3/30/2018 File CR102 5/3/2018 Public hearing 5/10/2018 File CR103 6/10/2018 Rules effective Voluntary Plans Collective Bargaining Agreements Premium Liability December January February March May June *This timeline is a draft intended to give stakeholders an approximate timeframe for completion of draft rules for “Phase 1” of the Paid Family and Medical Leave rulemaking process. Dates subject to change, per needs of the project.