Large Numbers English uses a comma for large numbers 1,000 1,000,000 1,000,000,000
Small Numbers English uses a dot for numbers less than one This dot is pronounced “point” 3.14159 23.2 0.99
Fractions A number like ½ or 22/7 is called a fraction ½ 1/3 ¼ 1/5 1/6 …
Percentages A number like 33% is called a percentage It is pronounced “thirty-three percent”
Approximations over 60% = a) 59% b) 60% c) 61% nearly 80 = a) 78 b) 80 c) 82 exactly ½ = a) .49 b) .5 c) .51 about 70% = a) 70.4% b) 70% c) 75% “more than” is the same as “over” “almost” is the same as “nearly” “approximately” and “around” are the same as “about”
Look at the graph on page 39 Over _____% of men go swimming. Exactly _____% of men go cycling. Nearly _____% of women go swimming. About _____% of women go cycling. Around _____ of men go swimming. [USE A FRACTION] Exactly _____ of men go cycling. [USE A FRACTION] _____ 10% of men do aerobics or yoga. _____ 20% of men play golf. _____ 10% of men play tennis. _____ 30% of women do aerobics or yoga. _____ 5% of women play golf. _____ 5% of women play tennis.
What hobbies do we like? Now, write 8 sentences like: Hobby Number of Students Percent of Students Now, write 8 sentences like: Nearly 30% of students like reading books. Over 1/3 of students like playing tennis. etc.