Free writing activity: a suggested approach Try using a free writing activity at beginning of a poetry workshop session to help your students to prepare themselves for writing by loosening up their minds and the flow of ideas. Give your students a single word or a phrase which can be interpreted in different ways (e.g. “freeze”, “journey” ). Ask them to write down everything that comes into their head when they hear that word. They must not worry what their writing looks like on the page. Ask them to write without stopping until you tell them to… After 3 -5 minutes tell them to stop and to read back through what they have written on their own. Ask them to circle or highlight any words or phrases that surprise them or that they like. Ask them to share any words or phrases aloud (that they feel comfortable sharing) with a partner and to save their bank of words for use later in the session or at another time if they wish.
Free writing (1)… Write down everything that comes into your head when you hear me give you a word... Don’t worry about what your writing looks like on the page. It could be single words, phrases or sentences… Write in your notebooks without stopping until I tell you to stop No-one will be able to read what you have written unless you let them
Free Writing (2)… Read back through what you have written on your own Circle or highlight any words or phrases that surprise you or that you like Share any words or phrases aloud with your partner that you would like to Save your bank of words - you could use them later in the session or at another time if you wish to get you started.
Free Writing (3)… How did that feel? When writing on your own you could use randomly selected words to get your poetry brain flowing…